There's someone resurfacing from your past and for one moment this may bring you joy but when you really look into this situation, you see this blast from the past for what they really are and the position they play in your life. Most people and situations are left behind for a reason. They have caused you pain or has held you back in one way or another. Make the decision to change directions from your prior actions. Don't continue reliving the same obstacles over and over again.

Understand that it's time for a new approach. Your feelings may be sending you mixed emotions but they are only responding to the familiar. This person’s presence can leave you feeling confused but, you must take a step back and look this from a logically perceptive. Allow yourself some distance and space to meditate on your options. Clear your mind and address your emotions good or bad without judgement. You need to weigh out what makes this union beautiful and what makes it toxic. If you don't allow yourself this time, you can end up arguing with your partner or engaging in unnecessary bickering which can make matters worse. Arguing can lead to separation, so don’t engage in petty squabbling. Look at things from a different perspective to gain clarity and understanding on what needs to be done.

Things happen and sometimes life is not fair. Someone may leave without notice or without proper explanation leaving you with the burdens of all responsibilities. You don’t know why this is happening and may not deserve it, but that will not stop it from happening. Sometimes we have to let things go for the short term, in order to gain something bigger and better in the long term. People change and situations change and sometimes we need some personal space to get it right. We have to debate our personal feelings to see if we are seeing truth or illusion. It’s easy to see things for what you want them to be oppose to what they truly are.

Toxic relationships can leave you blind-sided and we become so involved that we lose track of ourselves. Taking this time to understand your current position will not only bring you clarity, but it will bring you strength. Have faith that things will get better and that happiness awaits you. You can move on to new adventures, but it takes determination to let go of the things that no longer serves you.

Author's Bio: 

I am a spiritual intercessor, writer,and alchemist who communicates with spirit guides to help assist you in your spiritual journey. I provide messages sent to me by the ancestors and angels who watch over you in your everyday life. They have a divine message for you and I am here to make sure you receive that message and live your best life through Spirit.