Evidence Based Autism Treatment (EBT) has gained enormous popularity in the last several years. In particular, this type of treatment has been extremely useful in managing regressive behaviors and in controlling negative behaviors such as self-harm and aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, there is still quite a bit of confusion about the use of EBT in the autistic spectrum. Despite the claims by its supporters, there are many question marks that remain about whether EBT is really any more effective than more traditional therapies such as behavioral therapy and even family therapies.

Social Skills and Communication

One of the main areas in which EBT excels is in treating autism spectrum disorders associated with social skills and communication. Basically, this form of treatment relies on teaching the child social skills and how to make friends. Once these skills are learned, the parent and the teacher no longer have to do the tedious work of trying to coax the child into making friends or keeping them entertained at home. The child will do this without their knowledge or input! This greatly reduces the need for the parents to do all the work involved in such an important aspect of the child's development.

Regular Treatment with a Behavior Therapist

One problem that does remain with Evidence Based Autism Treatment is that many people still believe that autistic children can be effectively treated with behavior therapy alone. While it is true that some autistic children will improve when receiving regular treatment with a behavior therapist, it is simply not the best possible option for all of the autistic children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. In addition, the vast majority of children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders will never benefit from behavior therapy alone. That being said, however, it is still used as the primary treatment for autistic children in many cases.

Behavior Modification

The problem comes in when a child's symptoms aren't adequately treated with behavior modification or social skills training. For example, if a child is suffering from regression, they may still receive some treatment from a therapist. However, since regression is often accompanied by tantrums and other types of disruptive behavior, therapists are hesitant to continue treating these children. This is why Eben's system continues to be such a favorite with professionals.

Therapy and Treatment

Behavior therapy alone is simply not enough to treat autism spectrum disorder. Even the most robust treatment plans will fail if the child is not receiving instruction on how to interact with others. By contrast, with Eben's Autism Therapy, the focus is on teaching the child the basic skills necessary for communicating with others. As a result, the autism patient receives an excellent treatment plan that combines both behavior modification techniques and communication training.

Many parents are skeptical about any new treatments for their autistic child. However, many autistic children do respond positively to this kind of treatment. As was mentioned above, these treatments combine the best of both worlds and use proven and effective techniques. In addition, because these techniques are based on behavior and communication therapy, they are highly regarded within the professional autism community. This means that you can rest assured that the treatments that you receive will be highly effective.

If you have difficulty finding a treatment for your child, I urge you to give one of these proven and effective treatments a try. You will be amazed by the improvements that your child experiences. He or she will be able to interact normally like other children and you will be able to enjoy family activities again. For more information and to see for yourself, I urge you to take the time to check out the Evidence Based Autism Treatment System.

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