The secret to triggering your self-healing system lies in balancing the transformation between matter inside cells and energy outside cells. That needs to happen on the three equally important levels of the body, the mind and the soul.

The West has a lot to learn from the East. Only recently, for example, has Western medicine recognized stress and tension as causative factors for physical – as well as emotional and mental – illnesses. Traditional Chinese medicine, on the other hand, has always believed that sickness is caused by three factors: natural external factors, internal factors and accidental factors.

This radically different way of looking at illness and pain affects both diagnosis and treatment decisions.
Western medicine thinks that sickness is caused by biochemical changes at the cellular level. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks that sickness is caused by chi blockage. Chi means vital energy or life force.

Power Healing combines Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in a unique way. According to Power Healing, sickness is caused by energy blockage at the cellular level. Roughly 85-90% of sicknesses, including all kinds of pain, inflammation, tumors, cancer and emotional imbalances, are caused by energy blockage at the cellular level. The remaining 10-15% are caused by a lack of energy at the cellular level. Examples include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, fatigue and degenerative changes.

Power Healing offers secret tools to balance energy at the cellular level. If you have an energy blockage in a specific organ or area of the body, the solution is to dissipate the blocked energy from that area. If you have not enough energy in a specific area of the body, the solution is to build energy in that area. Power Healing teaches Four Power Techniques™ to remove energy blockages or to build energy in specific parts of the body.

• Body Power uses special hand positions to boost or balance energy.
• Sound Power uses vibrational healing mantras to stimulate cellular vibration for healing.
Mind Power means mind over matter. It uses creative visualization, focus and concentration of the mind to heal.
• Soul Power is used to request the soul of the organ or system to heal itself.

Applying any one of the Four Power Techniques works. Combining all four techniques is much more powerful. Here is one example of Power Healing in action:

Energy Booster

If you want more energy, the Power Healing Energy Booster is the answer for you. This secret technique builds energy in the Lower Dan Tian, the body’s storehouse of energy, which is located in the lower abdomen. The Energy Booster will increase your energy, boost your stamina and improve your immunity.

Body Power: Grip your left thumb firmly with your right hand, using about 75% of your maximum strength. Relax the fingers of your left hand. Place this “Yin/Yang Palm” on you lower abdomen.

Sound Power: Chant “joe,” the number 9 (jiu) in Chinese, to stimulate cellular vibration in the lower abdomen.

Mind Power: Visualize a golden light ball in your lower abdomen, gathering and concentrating light from all directions.

Soul Power: Talk with your soul and invoke its power. “Dear soul, mind and body of my Lower Dan Tian, you have the power to build yourself. Do a good job. Thank you.”

Practice the Four Power Techniques for at least 5 minutes per time (the longer, the better), as many times per day as possible. Your energy will improve.

Power Healing offers simple and practical tools for healing. The Four Power Techniques often work instantly. They can transform your life. Give Power Healing a try. Be patient and confident. You do have the power to heal yourself.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha is a medical doctor and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine trained in China, the founder of the Institute of Soul Mind Body Medicine, and the author of Power Healing: The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind and Spirit. From June 1st to June 3rd, 2004, Dr. Sha is launching a Compassionate Power Healing Campaign. He is offering very generous healing blessings to every participant who joins his campaign. The campaign is for three days only from June 1st – June 3rd. To participate, click the link: http//