Women often find themselves worn thin by life and the on going stress of caring for others. Erotic massage can be particularly beneficial to them. It is a woman’s nature to give more than they receive and with the demands of work and family they understandably become overwhelmed and exhausted. Massage in general and erotic massage in particular can be extremely beneficial to women, providing them with relaxation and invigoration.

Massage requires nothing from the receiver but to lie back and enjoy. This is something most women have difficulty doing but is a necessary component to erotic massage. With repetition and practice the benefits of learning to receive will carry over into other parts of life and lead to a more balanced existence. There are no expectations but pleasure with erotic massage and the absence of goals helps eliminate a woman’s never ending drive to please others. For once she can allow herself to indulge in the healing properties of touch.

Regardless of age, health or general well-being, erotic massage is beneficial to all women. It can help diminish pain from injury or illness both physical and emotional. Erotic massage relaxes the body and allows positive healing energy to create renewal. If a woman is having difficulties with their sexuality and self esteem massage can free them from these inhibiting mental and emotional restrictions. The power of touch in erotic massage can remove roadblocks to enjoyment and pleasure resulting in a stronger sense of self and a fuller awareness of ones sensuality. It can help women to accept and experience the sensations of their bodies and they may become orgasmic for the first time.

Massage creates an environment of trust and openness. Tantric massage by definition insists on acceptance and honesty, openness and communication. The giver focuses absolutely on the needs and pleasures of the receiver and their whole desire and purpose is to give to the receiver. The receiver’s only responsibly is to lie back and allow the healing work and pleasure to take place. Erotic massage can sometimes bring hurt and pain to the surface in the process, but this is to be expected. Allowing pain to rise to the surface is the first step in letting it go and replacing it with more positive energy. As a result those participating in erotic massage often come away with an improved sense of well-being and self-acceptance.

Enhanced spirituality and a greater connection with the universe is often a result of massage. Its healing properties bring participants into closer union with each other and with the totality of life. Women are able to participate more fully in the richness of their femininity and come to appreciate more fully what it means to be a woman and all it has to offer.

It heals, revives and renews the mind, body and spirit, thus bringing a greater sense of wholeness. As a woman becomes more integrated and accepting of who they are they will discover new levels of energy and creativity they have not experience previously. They will find it easier to enjoy intimate relationships in the future and will feel a greater sense of self esteem.

Massage improves the look, feel and health of the skin. Combined with enhanced self-confidence and greater levels of relaxation, women who participate in massage frequently often appear more radiant and healthy looking.

Author's Bio: 

Maya Silverman is an expert on the ' Power of Sensual Touch'. She enjoys sharing her expert knowledge on Sensual & Tantric massage practices to increase pleasure, sensuality, satisfaction and intimacy in your relationship. Claim your 2 Free Gifts : A 5 Part eCourse 'Food, Great Sexual Health and Erotic Massage' plus the eBook: 'How to Create a Sizzling Sensual Massage Experience - Setting the Scene' at erotic-massage-guide.com