Paints are an essential part of every household. There can be several such situations when a person has to deal with paints. It can be a case of hiring a painter at home to colour the walls, or it can be the case of a mischievous child dropping paints while completing some of the art projects. It is true that even after several precautionary steps; there is always a possibility of color dripping onto the surface.

True to the fact that, every paint has its nature and uses a unique way to be dealt with. For example, the water paints are easy to clean as compared to the wall paints. Further, the acrylic paints are the toughest ones to be removed as these are meant only for the clothes. Pattern design is always going to look beautiful instead of the spillage.

carpet cleaning

If someone thinks that paint removal is going to be an easy task, then it is completely wrong. Several considerations are needed to be taken for the best result. The basic two factors that govern the effective paint removal are:

  • Time - it is one of the most crucial factors that play the pivotal role in deciding whether the spilled paint on the carpet can be removed effectively or not. The professional carrying the carpet cleaning in Punchbowl advice to get it done as soon as the paint is dripped or spilled on the surface. In short, for the best result, it is advised to attend to it when wet.
  • Nature of the Paint - it is important to act accordingly. The kind of the paint plays a deciding role on how fast the things need to be attended. For example, the acrylic paints get soaked and dry up quite quicker than the oil-based paints. Also, the treatment is different in these both kinds.

The following are some of the ways that need to be followed for successful paint removal from the carpet:

  • Scratching of the Dry Paints with Knife

It is well and good if the stains are visible just in time. In the cases, where the paints dry; it is suggested to use the knife to peel off the dried layer of paint. Care is very much necessary while scratching the paints from the surface of the carpet.

  • Blotting the Maximum Paint

By blotting the maximum paint from the surface helps in proceeding with the job of carpet cleaning in Punchbowl smoothly. It also ensures that there are no spreads on the adjoining areas.

In the Case of Acrylic Paint

The acrylic paints are water soluble and dry up quickly. Therefore, to remove them, it needs to be ensured that excess of the paint is removed. After that, using an acetone based remover is going to get things done quite quickly.

In case of Latex Paints

It is almost the same as that of the acrylic paint with a difference of being that it has vinyl resins. Therefore, vinegar instead of acetone is going to work perfectly in case of the vinyl paints.

In Case of Oil Paints

One of the challenging tasks is to remove the oil paints from the surface. Not using the right kind of removal is going to make the surface of the carpet discolour. Therefore, using a thick soapy solution along with the acetone is going to give the best result.


Irrespective of the type of paints, it is necessary to ensure that the stains are attended to sincerely and with effort. By following the right ways is always going to bring in the fruitful result.

Author's Bio: 

The author is one of the experienced professional associated with one of the reputed companies that deal with carpet cleaning in Riverside and Punchbowl. The author has many articles published that mostly deal with the different ways to keep the carpet neat, clean and hygiene.