Back when I was diagnosed with MS in 1989 I emerged with some pronounced symptoms that were sure signs of a windy crazy road I was about to travel down.

Yes, I was totally freaked out to say the least. Personally, I initially thought I had a brain tumor only because I had a close client that had just been diagnosed.

What else could explain going completely blind in one eye and running around like some pirate with a black patch on my eye? After going in for my first MRI- I was totally relieved to find out that I didn’t have a brain tumor and had been given back the rest of my life.

So that was my “welcoming” to the world of MS, and I’ll tell you it has changed my life forever. And not for the bad either.

Many times my wife Christine has asked, “Why are you so different from your sisters and brothers”? And yes folks, she hates my sisters and brothers.

I say it’s because of MS. It’s made me into a humble person who cares for others who suffer from any disease. Personally, I’ve experienced the unpredictability, and the no answers from any doctor a disease like multiple sclerosis can carry.

For those of you who may be wondering if you have MS below you’ll find a list of pronounced symptoms that are related to Multiple Sclerosis.

I’m not a doctor but I strongly suggest that you arrange an appointment with a neurologist who specializes in Multiple Sclerosis.

Yes, it’s frightening to acknowledge that you may have this disease but sticking your head in the sand will not help you either. In fact studies show the longer you wait to be diagnosed and receive treatment the worse off you may be.

This conclusion is also supported by the National MS Society. They recommend that treatment with disease-modifying medicines “… should be considered as soon as possible following a definite diagnosis of MS with active disease (i.e., recent relapses and/or new lesions on MRI), and may also be considered for some patients with a first attack who are at high risk of developing MS.”

Presenting symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis are the following:

· Visual disturbances may be the first signs and may be slight to intense.

· Muscle weakness, coordination, balance issues including problems walking

· Muscle spasms, fatigue, tingling , and numbness in hands and feet

· Loss of speech or pronouncing words. Problems swallowing.

· Loss of concentration, attention deficits.

· Depression

· Bowel/Urinary incontinence

· Swallowing Problems

· Sensitive to Heat

· Physical Fatigue- just not having the energy you used to have.

· Grumpy and cranky

· Anxiety

My struggles are eye sight, balance, numb toes and hands, muscle weakness, anxiety, sensitive to heat, and mood swings, (my wife will agree to that).

Each and every person has their own set of symptoms and not everyone is affected by Multiple Sclerosis in the same way.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Groth, author and diagnosed with MS in 1989. To receive his free Ebook on how you can reclaim you life from Multiple Sclerosis, please visit