Historically, bentonite clay has been used for centuries as a natural and effective internal cleanser. Clay is known for it’s detoxifying abilities. Bentonite clay got it’s name due to being recognized in the cretaceous rocks in Fort Benton, Wyoming, one of the world’s largest bentonite clay concentrations. This medicinal clay comes from an ancient seabed, where volcanic ash fell into a shallow inland sea, collecting sea minerals and forming a layer of highly mineralized clay.

Bentonite clay is considered one of the most effective natural intestinal detoxifying agents available. The liquefied clay contains minerals that are able to absorb toxins and deliver mineral nutrients while passing undigested through the body. The toxins it absorbs are heavy metals, free radicals and pesticides, where they are eliminated through usual bodily functions.

The Canadian Journal of Microbiology states that bentonite clay can absorb pathogenic viruses, aflatoxin, pesticides and herbicides. The negatively charged minerals in the clay attract and bind with the positively charged toxins.

Bentonite has proved useful and healing in a variety of ways. These include eliminating painful ganglion cysts, improving intestinal regularity, reliving chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and ulcers, improving physical energy, clearing complexions, enhancing alertness, improving tissue and gum repair, increasing resistance to infections, removing intestinal parasites, allergy and hay fever relief, eliminating anemia and acne, neutralizing allergens, reducing heartburn and indigestion by absorbing excess stomach acids.

Bentonite Clay is probably best known for it’s internal detoxification, cleaning the lining of the colon. As the colon becomes cleaner, it is able to function properly in absorbing nutrients, thereby increasing energy, as well as adding 71 trace and ultra-trace minerals.

The best way to drink bentonite clay is on an empty stomach, with a glass of water, or at least an hour before or after a meal, or just before bed. The clay is thick, tasteless and a pale grey color, and comes in a powder, capsules or in bottles, premixed with purified water. Start with a tablespoon per day, and if needed, up to 4 tablespoons per day.

Indigo Earth Notes: We've added Bentonite Clay to a small amount of fruit smoothie to hide it. It does have a slight taste, like you might expect clean clay to taste. It is best to purchase bentonite clay premixed and bottled made especially for consumption and health. Bulk bentonite clays may have contaminants.

Author's Bio: 

Courtney Findlay is a professional soapmaker, having had her own successful soap making business that created, wholesaled and retailed up to 45 varieties of soap and numerous other bath products, all from the store's premises. Courtney received several Chamber of Commerce nominations over the years including Entrepreneur of the Year, New Business of the Year and Best Customer Service. Wanting to share her love of natural products, Courtney teaches others to make soap and lotions and has been invited to speak at events. A love of research and writing has lead to a writing portfolio consisting of diverse assignments including Press Releases for Olympic Athletes, a humorous Home Improvement Column entitled “Housework” and as a contributor to SelfGrowth’s “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health” Book. Be sure to stop by Courtney’s natural news and information website at www.natural-soap-making.com.