The Second Step to Serenity: Meditation for Day 8
Excerpted from "Prayer Steps to Serenity: The Twelve Step Journey"
By L.G. Parkhurst, Jr.
"Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."—The Second Step
"Because Jesus himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."—Hebrews 2:18
What strong, encouraging words I find in the Second Step: believe, power, and restore. Until I first believe, I will do nothing. When I come to believe, I open the door of my mind to receive the power I need to change.
In the First Step, I discovered that believing could be painful. I painfully came to believe the truth about myself. How I hated to look myself in the mirror! In the Second Step, I joyfully believed and affirmed that a Power greater than myself could substantially heal my body, mind and spirit. Because God restored so many in my Fellowship when they sought His guidance, I have good reasons to take this next Step prayerfully as well.
The Bible gives many examples of what God can accomplish in the lives of men and women who believe and follow Him. Those I meet in my Fellowship also tell many stories about how a Power greater than themselves saved them from insanity or certain death. As I believe and trust more in God, I will find greater power in prayer, an almost miraculous, life-transforming power. Without faith, I can do nothing. From the Bible and the testimonies of people I meet, I can believe that God will do seemingly impossible things in my life.
Until I move beyond debating about God, I will not find sanity and serenity. I need to accept God as He has revealed himself. Debating is close to rationalizing. I will not find healing until I put down my weapons and believe. Then, I will make more progress in the Twelve Step Journey. My life will no longer contradict what I am coming to believe.
Prayer for Today
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. Lord God, help me today to. . . (Please complete this prayer as the Holy Spirit leads you).
From: L.G. Parkhurst, Jr., Prayer Steps to Serenity, Lincoln: iUniverse, 2004, pages 16, 17.
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L. G. Parkhurst, Jr., has helped those in AA and Al-Anon take their Fifth Step since 1975. He is the founder of “Serenity Groups” ( in Oklahoma, an inclusive 12 Steps Prayer Support Group that uses the Journey Guides and readings in "Prayer Steps to Serenity" ( to walk The Twelve Step Journey. Since 1989, he has written the weekly Bible Lesson for "The Oklahoman," Oklahoma's largest newspaper. He offers two of his books free online at "How God Teaches Us To Prayer: Lessons from the Lives of Francis and Edith Schaeffer" and "Francis and Edith Schaeffer" (a biography of the founders of L'Abri Fellowship). He serves as the pastor of Stonegate Church in Edmond, Oklahoma where he also conducts Serenity Groups. He received his M.A. Degree in Philosophy from The University of Oklahoma and his Master of Divinity Degree from Princeton Theological Seminary.
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