Let yourself go. Find peace and relaxation within. We want you to find the light inside yourself… the light in the middle of your heart. Your residence is in this light. You find yourself there. It radiates outward in all directions. You find that you are a being of light, a being of radiance. What does it mean to be radiant, to have light inside your real self? Your light shines through everything. Nothing can stop your light from shining through its substance. You can penetrate anything. There is no limit to your being. What you are is an all-pervasive substance. That’s why we tell you you can overcome anything. Nothing can stop you from overcoming any boundary.
We want you now to visualize a wall of shame and doubt. Feel this wall of shame and doubt around your being. This wall is built of experiences from the past. It was created long ago, yet it has not deteriorated. Let us look at the reasons for this lack of deterioration. When you established your existence as a seed in the universal field, this wall was created to protect you. It also acted as a fertilizer and as a field guarding you against interruption in your growth. It separated you, kept you apart from others. It was a fertilizing chamber, a fodder for your growth.
There comes a time when this separation is no longer necessary. But this creates the problem of how to transform yourself from one reality – the “old” reality, in which you were separated in this way for your growth – into another reality. Now your growth requires another kind of attention, another kind of arrangement with the universe. We want you to see yourself as light. What has grown out of this protected field is a light-filled being, a being who generates light in the universe. You must use your light to melt away this protective layer of shame, doubt and fear. Once you have begun to question the value of this layer of shame, doubt and fear, you no longer need it. You are in a position to give it up for good.
Now we want you to relax a little more. We are going to help you visualize burning up these inhibitions to your growth. See yourself becoming fire. The light that you are begins to glow, and you become a flame. What you are becomes a torch. See this torch piercing the areas around you that focus you inward too much. It’s as if you are encased in a shield that is now being torn away by this flame of light. See the shield, the barrier, glowing brighter and brighter as the torch that is yourself makes it hot. Visualize this shield beginning to burn away so that you begin to see through it to the larger picture outside you. There are lights appearing. It is as if you are seeing the stars at night that you could not see before. You begin to visualize the greater universe. The magnitude and scope that were once beyond you now become a part of your all-seeing eye. All of “you” becomes the entire universe. All that you are becomes a part of the all-that-is. The all-seeing eye within you becomes one with the all-seeing eye of the universe. The shame, the inner cloud that once bound you to the earth, is gone. It has been completely destroyed by your light, by the flame of your consciousness, by the light of your being. You are now in charge of yourself in a greater way. A greater light has filled you. You may expand beyond the inner horizons you had set for yourself. You are ready to grow into the universal picture.
There is an energy inside you that didn’t exist before. Now that you’ve found it, let it flow out into the universe. See yourself becoming a light of the universe. You are now a point in space with infinite Beingness, becoming the inner being expressing itself outwardly. Find your own peace and joy in knowing that you are now one with the all-that-is. There is no barrier between you and God. All the shields have been destroyed. Remember this light that you are on a daily basis. Take it with you into each day as a remembrance of what you are now, and it will grow more and more a part of your life. The more often you come here, the more real it will become.
Now let yourself slowly come back to your normal life. We are the Carriers of Light. Take peace with you into your world.
In a Nutshell
Let go and find peace and relaxation within.
You are an all-pervasive light that can overcome any boundary.
Visualize a wall of shame and doubt.
Imagine that your light becomes a torch.
See the torch consuming the wall.
When it is gone, you can see stars all around you as if for the first time.
There is a new energy within you as if you had become a light of the universe.
There is no longer a barrier between you and God.
Joseph Schwartzman was born and lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. His life has been varied and includes a variety of experiences each of which he considers fuel for personal growth. He has worked in business while at the same time he is a practicing artist. His channeling abilities came to him as he was approaching the age of 40. Since that time channeling and art have been his passions. He has spent countless hours developing these skills. During the 1990's he was able to produce the book "Creating light, How to illuminate Your life". The book was largely based on channeling he had done as a part of a group of interested friends.
His channeling remains his main focus. He has worked very hard to produce the website channeling-spirit-guides.com.
His interests include learning the answer to the question of why we are here. He reads and thinks about this topic and frequently returns to his guides in order to learn more.
Joseph holds a B.F.A from the University of British Columbia and a Certificate in Multimedia. He has a son of 6 years who is truly the apple of his eye.
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