Networking happens when two or more people come together and contribute in some way to the fulfillment of a goal or need. Ideally, your network not only helps you accomplish your goals, but also enhances, encourages and influences you to even greater accomplishments than you may have initially dared to dream. A network committed to a greater good will expand your experience of life by having your fulfill on your dreams more quickly, more easily, more effectively, and/or in a larger scope than was even originally imagined.
If you only use your network to bring in business for yourself, you are only using a fraction of the potential value of your network. Networking from the heart includes a commitment to not only oneself and one’s business; there is also great pleasure and pride in being a source for greater good in the world. When you make a commitment to be a resource for good in the world, you become more aware of opportunities for yourself and others – your awareness increases.
· Think about how to share your network with others.
· In every interaction do a mental search for a contact or piece of information that you can offer that would be valuable for the person.
· Identify a cause that is near and dear to your heart and network in some way to support this cause.
· Stay aware of the value of connecting – connection creates feelings of goodwill, service, and self-esteem which leads to positive supportive behaviors. (Feeling disconnected leads to feelings and behaviors that are destructive.)
· Focus on building a network not just for you, but because you can be of greater service to others when you have a vast, powerful network.
Copyright © 2009 Donna Fisher
Houston, TX USA
Donna Fisher is a business owner, author and Certified Speaking Professional who believes in the power of people to communicate and connect to make a difference. Her books, Professional Networking for Dummies, Power Networking, and People Power have been translated in 5 languages, recommended by Time Magazine and used as reference books in corporations and universities.
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