Raw milk is milk in its natural (unpasteurized) state. Public health authorities advocate pasteurization to destroy any disease-producing bacteria that may be present. Health faddists claim that it destroys essential nutrients. Although about 10% to 30% of the heat-sensitive vitamins (vitamin C and thiamine) are destroyed in the pasteurizing process, milk is not a significant source of these nutrients. Contaminated raw milk can be a source of harmful bacteria, such as those that cause undulant fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, and tuberculosis. "Certified" milk, obtained from cows certified as healthy, is unpasteurized milk with a bacteria count below a specified standard, but it still can contain significant numbers of disease-producing organisms.
Raw cow's milk has all 20 of the standard amino acids, saving our bodies the work of having to convert any into usable form. About 80% of the proteins in milk are caseins- reasonably heat stable but easy to digest. The remaining 20% or so fall into the class of whey proteins, many of which have important physiological effects (bioactivity). Also easy to digest, but very heat sensitive, these include key enzymes (specialized proteins) and enzyme inhibitors, immunoglobulins (antibodies), metal-binding proteins, vitamin binding proteins and several growth factors.
Lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein, has numerous beneficial properties including improved absorption and assimilation of iron, anti-cancer properties and anti-microbial action against several species of bacteria responsible for dental cavities. Recent studies also reveal that it has powerful antiviral properties as well.
Raw milk normally has a varied micro flora arising from several Sources, such as the exterior surfaces of the animal And the surfaces of milk handling equipment such as Milking machines, pipeline, and containers. Therefore, milk is susceptible to contamination By many pathogenic microorganisms, which result in Infection and threat to consumer’s health.
Raw milk from pasture-fed cows even has a history of being a cure-all for many ailments at the turn of the 20th century. John Crewe, M.D., one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic, wrote an article that was published in Certified Milk Magazine in January 1929 titled “Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases” and even opened a sanitarium that was devoted to treating patients using the “milk cure”. This treatment involved a detoxifying fast combined with nutrient-dense foods, and was well known in the early 1900s. The only milk available in those days was unpasteurized and from cows and goats that grazed on pasture grass.
It contains immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, which are proteins that provide resistance against many viruses and bacteria, helping our immune systems. Studies show that raw milk consumers have fewer allergies, sinus infections, ear infections, asthma and colds. Studies also show that children raised on raw milk have fewer dental caries.
It contains substantial amounts of conjugated linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated Omega 6 fatty acid. This fatty acid helps remove abdominal fat and boosts muscle growth. It also strengthens the immune system and can lower food allergy reactions.
Raw milk consists of important enzymes that aid in assimilating the nutrients present in milk. Raw milk serves as one of the best sources for calcium consumption. One of the major raw milk drinking advantages is that it contains the beneficial bacteria, which otherwise get destroyed, when the milk undergoes pasteurization process. Read further to explore information about the benefits of raw milk.
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