I'm a yoga teacher, and I know that physiology dictates MUCH of how we feel most of the time. Over the next several weeks, I'll share with you simple tips to shift your outlook. Many of them involve getting up, breathing and getting your mojo workin!

1. Look at where you are. Decide whether it's acceptable to stay there. If it is, accept it. If it's not, resolve to make some shifts. It's all up to you.

2. Get out of bed or off the couch and start moving around. Get out of the recliner.

3. Stand up and breathe deeply, all the way into your abdomen, from the belly up. Fill your lungs with oxygen.

4. Raise your arms over your head with a big inhale, and on the exhale let yourself go forward into a standing forward fold. Inhale and arch halfway up with your hands on shins or thighs, pressing your spine longer. Let your belly fill up with oxygen again.

5. Exhale, release back down in a forward fold, and then inhale all the way up to standing. Repeat until you feel the tingling of the inner body that lets you know you're MORE than your physical body, or as depression is called in The Power of Now, the Pain Body.

6. Turn off your TV and consider never turning it on again--except for your own specific selections. Especially consider never watching the news again. News is designed to be alarming and tap into our deepest fears. It gets the adrenaline going and then hooks us--making us pessimists and fear/negativity junkies.

7. Get your news from sources you can control, like newspapers, news magazines or the Internet. At least you can turn the pages yourself! It's up to you what you feed your brain.STOP THE FEAR DIET!

8. Read something positive for 10-15 minutes every morning to kick-start your day. Whether it's a book of prayer, the Bible, or even Pollyanna, you become what you focus upon. Make it something funny or sunny!

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Author's Bio: 

Patrice Dickey, Your Guide to the Life You Love, multi-award winning author (BACK TO THE GARDEN: Getting from Shadow to Joy ©2008)and originator of Emory University’s consistently sold-out course, “Get the Life You Love” offers transformative tips on “How to Get The Life You Love—and Afford It!”

She offers Simple and Quick Ways to Kick-Start Your Day, Release Stress, Feel Better, Stay Focused, Get More Done and Experience a More Meaningful Life! Get Your FREE Special Report, 101 Simple Ways to Kick the Depression Habit & Get Happier Without Prozac! along with its companion Ezine, Your Guide to the Life You Love, with tools & tips, perspective shifts, and always some Cool Mind Candy with that Hopeful Flavor! Extra bonus: your FREE Inspirational Audio, "For the Next Level of Healing." Here's the link again, thanks! http://www.artofchange.org/promo_registration/