Shawn Anchor did a lot of research for this book, and it shows through in the writing. According to him, in an interesting and fresh take, we don’t find happiness, and it’s not something we should look to achieve… We are happiness.

In The Happiness Advantage, Anchor breaks down how positivity has neurological effects that are beneficial. This is something that seems to go without saying, but we can get caught up in the day-to day-routines of our lives and we can lose sight of this.

Moreover, the author has applied his research for this project, as well as his own years of experiences as a Harvard lecturer, from the high school locker room to the chairman of the board.

The benefits from reading Anchor’s self-help book is its striking ability to take us away from the mundane of the day-to-day, and carry us into what matters: the joy of just being.

Ever since Author Elizabeth Gilbert’s smash hit Eat, Pray, Love, she has been inspiring people to find their happiness. She has now turned her sights, and her experiences creatively speaking, a bit closer to home.

In the book Big Magic, Gilbert explores and breaks down the world of creativity. She writes about everything from her own personal musings about where an idea comes from, as well as discussing the inner fears of following up a creative success, all the way to what it really means to live a life of creativity.

Also, just in case you may be thinking you’re not the creative type, and this book may not suit you in that regard, don’t sweat it... The author, with great eloquence, explains just how anyone and everyone can benefit from living a life of creativity, even those who wouldn’t normally apply such a label to themselves. This writing is very relatable in that respect.

Being a memoir as well as an inspirational guide, this self-help book can help you to find and nurture that imaginative, playful aspect of yourself. A very refreshing take that can be a bit transformative in nature.

Part of what I write about is the habitualness aspect of human nature. Here is link to one of the earliest posts about that. This is part of the core things that this book can help with. Find something new within yourself that you may not have, through habit, even truly look at. You may be more creative than you give yourself credit for!

We all can have big ideas that we never seem to get around to. The issue a lot of times seems to be… If only we could come across the time and muster the energy to see these ideas all the way through. If we only had the amount of money needed to invest in it… If it wasn’t for all of these other obligations taking up our time. Almost everyone has some form of a big dream, however what about actually making them happen for us? This is the part a lot of us struggle a bit with.

In Charlie Gilkey’s Start Finishing, Gilkey will take you on a journey through his 9-step method that can help you turn your ideas into achievable projects, as well as give you the necessary tools to help you turn those seemingly daunting projects into manageable, achievable tasks.

This self-help book gives solid tips and advice, as well as some cool speeches that are inspirational in nature. Start Finishing lays out concrete solutions for all parts of the process. This is broken down starting with building a team of supporters, to next identifying and working through “drag points.” Lastly, to achieving a successful completion of your stated goal.

If you struggle with procrastination or the habit of not seeing things through to the end, this self-help book is one you’ll want to check out for sure!

Author's Bio: 

Eric Thompson, self-help & wellness blogger @

I am currently a student at Long Beach City College working towards a degree in Counseling. Attached is a link to my “about me” section.


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