21. Reasons Why People Are Successful

The 21 reasons why people are successful will reveal to you how far are you from your own riches and success at this current moment you are reading this blog post.

These 21 reasons why people are successful will guide and introduce you to your own self and see your level of success in life or chances of you being successful in life. These 21 reasons why most people are successful they may not only be the only reasons why people are doing well in life. There may be more or less reasons and other factors contributing to the success of people. These 21 reasons will definitely help you see the whole picture.

A score rate to see how far are you from being successful

As you read the 21 reasons why people are successful tick or mark down the reasons which influence your life. The ones that you currently possess or the ones that pushes you forward because a score rate will be provided where you have to rate yourself and see how far are you from acquiring riches or having success in your life. Be honest to yourself.

As you read the reasons ask yourself whether do you possess one or more of the reasons. If yes give yourself a tick for that because at the end of the 21 reasons you will have to count your ticks to see how far are you from riches and being successful.

The 21 reasons why people have riches or are successful are as follows:

It is because...

Reason #1 They have desire for riches and success

Reason #2 They have faith

Reason #3 They have courage

Reason #4 Have love for what they do

Reason #5 Never influenced by opinions but facts

Reason #6 They have the quality of persistence

Reason #7 Have good and positive associates

Reason #8 See Failure as pathway to success

Reason #9 They develop themselves everyday

Reason #10 They go an extra mile to get what they want

Reason #11 They create their own future by what they do daily

Reason #12 They always strive for more after more

Reason #13 They sacrifice things of lower nature to achieve things of higher nature

Reason #14 Doing things the hard way is their number one quality

Reason #15 They always give so as they shall receive( They don't wait to receive before they can give)

Reason #16 Gratitude is their daily bread

Reason #17 Back their words with action.

Reason #18 They have a pleasing and advancing personality

Reason #19 They set goals

Reason #20 They spend time alone thinking about their next move

Reason #21 They have confidence in themselves and work.

Okay, then lets see how far are you from success and riches

These are the 21 reasons why people are successful and as stated above that obvious these are not all the reasons which makes people to be successful. As the are many factors to consider.Based on the observations and studies done about successful people. All the successful people been studied careful possessed all of the reasons stated above.

Below is a rating score of how far are you from success. Count your ticks and check each category of ratings so as you many see were you belong and what does that mean to you.

The score rate of how far are you from riches and success

0-6 Far away

6-11 Moderate away

11-16 Close

16-21 closer or you are there

What does that mean to me?

(0-6) It means you mustn't be discourage you just need to put more effort and next time when working towards your dreams you must push more and more until you move to the necessary category.

(6-11) It means you are probably working or wanting success but you do not want it bad, you are just there, whether you are successful or not, it is the same with you.

(11-16) It means you are probably working towards being successful but the time you put for success it is not enough and you are not paying the necessary price for success, if you are paying it, you do not pay full. There might be something holding you back from achieving riches and success, getting rid of it will move you to the higher brackets of success; and you will start achieving riches and success masterfully.

(16-21) You there my friend, your effort is worth it, your probably reaping the rewards of your effort and the law of compensation is incredibly working on your favor. You are exposing your capabilities and what you are made of. Your full potential is on it's way to be reach. Keep going until you are at the peak!

Summing up

The score rating is a mirror of your success. It reflect your efforts and attitude towards success and my suggestion is that come to this blog post after a month or so to check whether have you move to the upper bracket of success or below, because the 21 reasons why people are successful are the main cause of why we have successful people we love and admire in the world So play your part and let us admire and be inspired by your success in the world.

Author's Bio: 

Simphiwe A. Mokwena is a spirited young man who has profound insight about how individual turn to attain success in life as he has studied and still studies the minds of successful people while he is accumulating large amount of success as well for the benefit of all involved.
He is so passionate about helping people to discover the mechanism behind success because he believes that if you want to want pizza you must know the receipt first.
Visit: http://success-blueprint.co.za to find out more about him.