My new husband and I relocated to a new city, from the East to the West. We started a marketing company and soon after, opened a printing plant. The hard work and the long hours started to pay off and it was time to purchase a home. We found a brand new 2 bedroom, 2400 sq. ft. beauty. An ... Views: 831
Millions of people consider themselves shy. This common, frequently painful feeling is often accepted without question. Shy people may look on it as something they're stuck with, like being short or having curly hair.
Some nervousness or hesitancy in social situations is normal. Everyone ... Views: 757
First off, I would echo the voice of 18th century French philosopher Voltaire, made popular and relevant in today’s leadership lexicon by “Good to Great” author Jim Collins, who said, “Good is the Enemy of Great.”
1. “Good is the Enemy of Great.” Get rid of the good to make room for the great ... Views: 865
Perfection is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because some where along the way I got the message to be perfect. The perfect person who did not make mistakes, who was the perfect weight, who wore the perfect clothes… I think you get the idea.
How did that message to be perfect serve ... Views: 1171
If you walk around a Walt Disney World resort or theme park, you are likely to witness something that in most other settings would seem bizarre. Not the presence of a large animated character, although you may witness that also. Rather, at any given moment, a person in dress clothes will be ... Views: 15866
A real Smile is one of the most effective means to capture the trust, attention, and rapport of an audience. It is an essential part selling when meeting people. It has added benefits as a stress reducer. This is true if speaking to an audience of one or one thousand.
You can reap these ... Views: 3695
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker
I do believe that anything a human being can conceive, they can achieve. The bigger question becomes, is the person going to have the desire, commitment and determination to see the goal through.
Nothing is impossible.
There are ideas and ... Views: 1153
I recently had to learn a lesson which I often suggest that my clients learn: how to set boundaries and convey the truth in such a way that the other person doesn't feel attacked. In other words, how to respond when someone has irritated, frustrated, or infuriated you.
The main aspect of this ... Views: 968
In a recent Reader’s Digest article, best-selling author and ex-teacher Philip Pullman put his finger on what’s gone horribly wrong with the teaching of English in schools today and points the way to a common goal-setting mistake made by millions of people. It’s the mistake of turning ... Views: 1394
"It'll be OK". "Everything will work out for the best." "You'll be just fine." How often do we quickly utter these words to comfort ourselves or someone else? How do we really know it'll be ok? Are we (at least on some subconscious level) simply reassuring ourselves that whatever happens ... Views: 827
According to the latest studies, the average employee is delivering only 50% of what they are capable of offering to your organization. As a leader, you’re frustrated by this lack of performance. You’d like to clone your high performers so you can become more results oriented like the ... Views: 930
We are all made up of many layers - the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of the layers needs to be given as much respect and attention as the others.
Traditionally, we have given more attention to the physical aspect, reflecting on our physicality and the physical world. Our ... Views: 592
On a business trip last week I left early in the morning. Half way through my journey the sun began to rise. I just knew it was going to be beautiful and so I pulled over to watch.
I looked out the car window, over the country wall, down into a valley above which the amazing sunrise was about ... Views: 638
Let's keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you want?
More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not? Physicality.
Why? For what feeling? So you can feel secure? ... Views: 5755
Do You Ever Wish You Could Just Keep Up With Your Reading?
How many times have you looked at your stack of reading materials, and felt overwhelmed? Most of us are bombarded with more and more written information every day- magazines, reports, e-books, newspapers, professional studies- it seems ... Views: 1242
STRETCHING doesn’t have to just involve physical motion. I’m talking about stretching yourself – moving outside of your box, shifting your comfort zone, trying something new. It’s hard work. It’s uncomfortable. It’s scary. But it’s also crucial to your wellbeing and success.
Many clients come ... Views: 842
Your manager has announced that everyone will have to take a pay cut . . . or join the unemployment line. Aargh! You're barely keeping up with your bills as is. Or you're self-employed, and your competition is undercutting your prices in a way you can't compete with and still feed your family. ... Views: 957
I see so many people searching online for answers to help improve confidence, build self esteem, unlock motivation and find positive attitudes. But I am often amazed at how many of the answers we already have inside of us ... it's just that we haven't found the right ... Views: 8468
By Kathleen Gage and Lori Giovannoni
We design our life with specific goals, plans and actions for achievement. Yet, in a moment all can change. We are then left to ponder the question, “Have you chosen your life path, or has it chosen you?”
Even with the best laid plans there comes a time ... Views: 1034
I am a sponge. I am always learning, no matter what activity I am engaged in. I derive inspiration from everyone and everything around me. I heard a great deal of positive buzz about a movie called "Akeelah and the Bee" which was just released in theaters in America so I went to see what it was ... Views: 3533
“I’m such a jerk. How could I have said that?”
“I’m a looser. I’ll never get anywhere.”
“I’m so stupid. I should have learned this by now.”
“I don’t fit in. I don’t belong with these people.”
“I’ll never be good enough. I’ll never do it right enough.”
“I’m permanently emotionally damaged. I’ll ... Views: 6788
Having a goal enables you to focus your energies on devising ways to achieve it. When someone makes a decision and begins focusing on achieving a specific goal (and even better in a specific period of time), the powerful subconscious mind goes to work and begins playing with ideas and ... Views: 10190
While we all reach for food for many different reasons, there are big consequences associated with binge eating. Various health problems and obesity are just a few bad things that can happen to a person that binges regularly.
Below are some suggestions of what you can do the next time you ... Views: 5397
There's one thing ALL self-made millionaires understand and live by.
It's incredibly important for developing the millionaire mindset and for learning how to become a millionaire.
This one concept can flat-out MAKE or BREAK your chances for wealth building or achieving success in anything you ... Views: 923
A dream is simply something that you want. Where dreams come from, are from inside of you. Some are based on need, such as your need to put your kids through a good school; or to make money, and some are based on desire, something that makes you happy. The most profound dreams are those that are ... Views: 1123
“I know what I need to do; why do I need to write it down?” You may have fallen into the trap of thinking this way. And hey, if it works for you, that’s great!
I find, however, that many people with too much to do, or with large projects looming in front of them get into a state of complete ... Views: 810
Did you know that love is a choice? We choose to love or not to love. It's that simple. But I believe the non-loving choice is not our "true selves." The non-loving self is absorbed in anger, judgment, resentment, and all kinds of things that we allow to control how we love.
We haven't let go ... Views: 882
People make all kinds of excuses as to why they cannot get involved in investing or trading the financial markets. In this article, some of the most prominent are debunked.
"I don’t have time"
Despite being one of the most frequently heard, this is probably the most pathetic excuse for not ... Views: 778
How comfortable are you with your self-worth? Self-worth is important to the ultimate happiness you feel in your life because it is deeply tied into your ability to attain your desires.
In order to move forward with your desires, you need perseverance. So why do we sometimes give up so easily? ... Views: 1588
Recently I asked my Self-Care e-newsletter readers to share what helps them "turn toward their truth." I've also called this 'minimum self-care requirements' in other issues. As a result, this is what I wrote today to be included in my upcoming book:
Between survival and a fully humming ... Views: 983
One of the symptoms of low self-esteem is to feel alienated and lonely from other people. Where do these feelings come from? . They come from the belief that everyone else seems to be better than you in some way and because of that they will reject you.
When I was a child I felt that I was ... Views: 2100
1. Tell yourself that no matter what, some level of clutter with a child is going to happen.
2. Begin with messes and clutter that you see every day. Get organize your kitchen, garage, and family room before your hallway closet.
3. Use drawer dividers for socks, underwear, lingerie, and tiny ... Views: 1035
Procrastination is the silent killer of human will and ambition. Procrastination is what separates a role model of success from a life of mediocrity. People who succeed, who are fulfilled and who tap into all of their abilities and internal resources are people of action.
Much has been written ... Views: 972
In business, we generally measure customer satisfaction by our sales or market share. It seems fairly obvious that if a customer doesn¡¦t like what we have to offer, why would they buy our product or service?
In a sense, hospitals are in the same boat. If a patient isn¡¦t happy with how they ... Views: 990
Self-confidence is definitely a trait worth cultivating at work. Self-confidence helps you to project an aura of confidence that makes others trust in your abilities to complete a job successfully.
However, many people are not fully secure about their abilities around their job. Here’s a ... Views: 1739
Clients often begin a career consultation with, “I feel overwhelmed.”
Often they’re right. These days we really have more to do than ever before.
Ironically, much of our overwhelm comes from awareness of what we need for a healthy, meaningful life. Our grandparents (and maybe our parents) ... Views: 1593
An excerpt from spiritual teacher and author Swami Dhyan Giten's book "The Silent Whisperings of the Heart - An Introduction to Giten's Approach to Life" (, 2012)
Intuition means to learn to listen to the silent whisperings of our own heart.
Intuition is our inner teacher, our ... Views: 2281
Men too can give birth!
I read somewhere that writing a book is like conceiving a child. You start out with and idea of what you want to create but that idea soon takes on a life of its own and the product that emerges several months later will likely bear little ... Views: 760
If you’ve had an intense fear of public speaking for many years and have tried a variety of ways to rid yourself of the fear – without success, you’ve probably concluded that you’ll probably never get rid of the fear. Or, if you do, it will take a lot of time, effort, and reinforcement.
If ... Views: 2288
Non-fiction is very much in the news these days. Capote, the James Frey debacle and the even creepier Nasdijj scam have raised the kinds of questions that plague many a memoir writer: how much can you really remember? How much can you ethically invent (creating dialogue, for example, from a ... Views: 1446
What does it take to be a good listener?
When we listen we do not listen only for what is being said, but also listen for what is not being said. Listening has many facets to it. In this article I will cover the foundation skills for listening. These skills will boost your listening ability and ... Views: 2900
How is your self esteem, self-confidence related to your emotional state at any one time? And if it is, what can you or I do to take advantage of this relationship? Let's first explore the concept of an "emotional state". Human beings are creatures of emotion. We can ... Views: 1360
There’s no doubt it’s important for a good manager to be available. When you delegate a project or assign a task you probably go to great pains to ensure you receive regular reports and updates. I’m sure you make it quite clear that you are available if help or advice is needed.
Maybe you’ve ... Views: 1354
We live in a world that is ever changing and evolving into a faster and faster pace. Consequently, our response time to information that is presented to us has become more immediate. Such a scenario makes it difficult to both truly listen and to truly be heard. People have become accustomed to ... Views: 1989
Time can be your friend or your enemy. For many people who have “free time” to accomplish long-term projects or writing tasks, it is a merciless tyrant. It is just too easy to allow the slightly harder task to slide, as you fill in your day with the humdrum and the emergencies.
The Enemy You ... Views: 1665
The number one rule of being successful in the world of publicity (or in just about any other field, for that matter): Don't
sabotage your efforts with dumb -- and easily correctable --
mistakes. Here then are the dumb things that publicity seekers do. Avoid them, and you'll be well on your ... Views: 1233
Your Purpose is who you are, what gets you excited; I might even say that your Purpose is remembering why you're here. If you're like a lot of readers, you might say, "I want to make my dreams come true, but, between you and me, I don't think I have a Purpose." Your Purpose is not a big, ... Views: 1108
It's been a miserable day. Nothing went right. You slept through your alarm because the neighbors kept you up half the night having either a wild argument or wild sex (hard to tell which), you were late to work on the one day when the client was showing up in person, your car sprang an oil leak, ... Views: 908
"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." A. A. Milne
In personal development growth occurs more easily when we create space to grow. In order to experience living beyond limits in business or personal lives we must rid ourselves of the ... Views: 1324
Are you able to take responsibility for your actions? Do you enjoy life? How is your interaction with others? Are you loved and do you love?
See if you can improve your self-esteem with these tips:
Can you hear the little voice in your head? What does it tell you most of time? Are you ... Views: 854