When you speak, do people listen? You don't have to be E.F. Hutton to command attention and respect in the workplace. But you do have to be credible.
Credibility in the workplace means believability. Simply put, do people believe what you say? Is your reputation based on a track record of ... Views: 1133
“Hello! I just need some advice please! I try to eat healthy and work out on a regualr basis, but I constantly eat when I am bored, even though I am not hungry. I get bored and keep wandering into the kitchen and grabbing all kinds of snacks. How do I stop this habit?”
While there are many ... Views: 1322
Much of the success of a website comes from the drive of traffic to the site. Because of this, the value of article writing is immeasurable. Articles are a key element to the success or failure of internet based companies and the sensible webmaster will always include articles that will work for ... Views: 967
For the last couple of weeks I have been working on a magazine article that I hope will be good enough to get accepted for publication in a major magazine. Because this article is so important to me, I am putting a lot of time and work into it, writing and revising, and polishing my writing ... Views: 4535
Do you find yourself reading and re-reading a sentence or paragraph and not remembering what you just read? Do you find that you can read and entire article and take nothing away from it? Do you find yourself day dreaming when needing to read technical information or study? Then this is for ... Views: 7131
I Think I Can, I Think I Can…
Remember reading the wonderful story of the Little Engine That Could to your children or even having it read to you as a child? That story has been inspiring children first as the Pony Engine (by Mary C. Jacobs in the Kindergarten Review 1910) and then as The ... Views: 634
If you're like most people having a colonoscopy might be a more pleasurable activity than giving a public speech. However, this activity will rapidly become one of your favorites when you let it give your career the huge boost it has given mine.
If you're an author, consultant, trainer, ... Views: 1775
Think back to your elementary school era, to your first day in a new school year. Regardless of what happened the semester before, you had a chance for a fresh start. There were no time management issues following you. You were dressed in your best clothes, with new supplies, and you walked ... Views: 1208
Try not to take this the wrong way, but the sad truth of the matter is that it's YOUR fault.
No one likes to be told that they did something wrong, but unless your life is "heaven on earth", you stepped off track a time or two along the way, and you only have yourself to blame.
When you look ... Views: 758
Unlovableness is a subtle beast. Most of us think we can detect it right off the bat, right there on the surface. We spot things like a tendency to pause too long before answering a simple question or a bad dental smell, or a habit of telling long, boring stories over and over again; or a simple ... Views: 2064
The lines are drawn. The savings account passbook lies between you, mute witness to the debate. Arms crossed, you stare at your (usually beloved) husband across the table. "A new dishwasher," you announce. "A new set of golf clubs" he retorts. "Huh!" you exclaim, "How can you be so selfish! At ... Views: 951
“Prince Rabadash’s army lay close behind them, Anvard ahead. If they did not reach Anvard before Rabadash and his horde, their journey, their entire lives, would have been wasted. The horses, Bree and Hwin (both of whom could, of course, talk) galloped. Certainly both horses were doing, if not ... Views: 1207
Preparation for your presentation is just as important as delivering the presentation itself. One thing you can do to prepare yourself is to learn about your audience and venue in advance. Here are a couple of pointers:
Pointer #1: Know how many people will be there and view the layout of the ... Views: 1765
Internationally renowned business philosopher Jim Rohn says, “We want to set the goals that our heart conceives, that our mind believes and that our bodies will carry out.” We are intelligent beings and as intelligent beings we need to have SMART goals. The acronym S.M.A.R.T. outlines the set ... Views: 47587
There is a lot of goalsetting for success guidance being offered on the net today. However, it never cease to amaze me the extent of the over-strenuous emphasis on the term 'failure' or 'failing' by many so-called 'personal development' advocates. I have encountered numerous such dubious ... Views: 1012
When it comes to taking control of our lives and making them what we want them to be, our FEELINGS are more important than our knowledge. Whether you understand and embrace the Law of Attraction or not, it is still working for you. It is a Universal law that you are powerless to escape. However, ... Views: 835
Think back to your elementary school era, to your first day in a new school year. Regardless of what happened the semester before, you had a chance for a fresh start. There were no time management issues following you. You were dressed in your best clothes, with new supplies, and you walked ... Views: 1140
Despite best team building efforts, many organizations are still operating on low power when it comes to producing desired results. They’ve invested time and dollars in events that supposedly help team members bond and function coherently, yet results are short term at best.
So what’s the ... Views: 907
There can be something wrong with time management skills when everyone is so busy that they cannot even pause to reflect on the meanings of the Labor Day holiday. Consider two definitions of this event:Labor Day 1)A holiday set aside to celebrate and honor working people, inaugurated in 1882 by ... Views: 1760
Skyrocket Personal Success – What the Experts Say
by Tom Nicoli, BCH, CI.
Ah, success. The word either creates a warm feeling or makes you feel scared to death. If it scares you, I believe it’s mainly because you don’t have the tools to become as successful as ... Views: 1096
Within every human being, exists an infinite supply of creativity, strength and wonder.
You are capable of more than you know.
Let me tell you about a real life Superhero I know. His name is Mike Berkson.
Mike Berkson was born a few minutes after his twin brother David, on February 4th, 1989. ... Views: 1439
As Dr. John Hagelin says in the amazing movie ‘The Secret’, “You can have, do, or be ANYTHING”. Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith backs him up in the same movie when he says, “You could start with nothing, and out of nothing, and out of no way - a way will be made”.
These are powerful statements and ... Views: 772
Do you want to change your life? Are you reading tons of self-help books and trying to do your affirmations every day, desperate to feel better about yourself? How is that working? Self help books and affirmations didn’t work for Lori* but she made major progress with Emotional Freedom ... Views: 1665
The change in seasons will traditionally bring with it new creation. Change brings about new life, growth and development all with it the possibility of creating new opportunities for ourselves. Any time of change (whether it be a change of season, career, relationship, living situation or even ... Views: 786
What's your fear? Is it fear of being laughed at in front of a large crowd? Is it fear of being rejected?
I'll tell you what my fears were (still are):
* Fear of being humiliated, laughed at in front of a crowd
* I fear being rejected by friends, family and new people I meet
The ... Views: 867
Several years ago, I was riding to a Toastmasters District 55 event with my good friend David Brooks. David and I are both professional speakers, and are both actively involved in electronic marketing. To be clear, I distinguish electronic marketing from Internet Marketing. In my terms:
* ... Views: 966
As a Marine Aviator, business owner, and consultant, I have dedicated many years to honing my leadership and development skills – both organizational and personal. In my experiences I discovered three simple principles that, when properly applied, will make your leadership journey incredibly ... Views: 2004
Meet Mr. J., a grade school librarian. Through the years, many students came through the halls of this particular school and they all adored Mr. J. He had a way with children by knowing each student by his/her name and making all of them feel special. It was not unusual to walk past the library ... Views: 712
Here's a dirty little secret for you. The answer is: not always.
At least not at first. In fact, sometimes coaching can be downright painful and disruptive!. You may find yourself doing everything possible to keep from working on what you hired your coach to help you achieve. ... Views: 1464
Vision is fuel, energy, passion -- or, as I like to suggest, as important as water to a garden. Unless that vision is clear in your mind, it is hard, if not impossible, to complete the process of refining your dream into an actionable plan. Furthermore, without clarity of vision the hard work ... Views: 1315
10. Skim Before Your Read - Speed read for main ideas in nonfiction works and textbooks. Scan the table of contents and first and last sentences of each paragraph. You'll improve your reading speed and comprehension if you understand a book's main ideas first. After you've skimmed the material, ... Views: 6648
I first became involved with self hypnosis as a young sprinter around the age of 20. I dreamed of being an Olympic champion, but I was faced with a major challenge. A psychological barrier, my first real obstacle, stood in my way.
It was a work-out that only a few elite athletes in the world ... Views: 1368
(This is Part 1 of a series of articles by the author on Finding and Following Your Life Purpose and Passion).
We all have a definite purpose in our lives, a key part of which is living a life of joy and abundance. It’s also about doing what we love to do and fulfilling our highest natural ... Views: 1589
Imagine driving through a quiet countryside toward town. You round a curve in a narrow country road and come upon a traffic jam ahead. Cars in front of you are backed up around the next curve. Cars coming toward you are evenly spaced out and accelerating up to speed, as if they have stopped for ... Views: 1417
It’s out of the bag. I really need to get this off my chest.They say it is wise to learn from the mistakes of others so thatyou avoid doing the same. Why do so many people committhemselves to a 40/40 life?
What is a 40/40 lifestyle? This occurs when one works 40 hoursplus a week for the next ... Views: 1271
On a recent airplane flight, I thought of all the systems that are in place to get us from one destination to another as efficiently as possible.
Consider the rapid turnaround of planes these days. When the arriving passengers disembark, their luggage is taken off, the plane is ... Views: 1094
When I graduated high school, I received a partial scholarship to study at a prestigious Chicago Art School. At nights and on the weekends I worked as a Firefighter/EMT, which gave me a unique perspective on TIME and how fragile life can be. I saw things at the age of 18 that most people will ... Views: 1038
Do you know you that there is a step you can take toward fully embracing your spiritual identity which offers permanent freedom from perhaps your greatest source of insecurity and personal bondage? The step is to simply stop taking yourself so seriously, and basically decide as a spiritual ... Views: 3141
By Barbara Rose, Ph.D.
Questions and Answers
1. How do I discover my passion?
2. How do I move from where I am now to where I want to be?
3. What do I do if it all doesn’t work out?
4. How do I handle negative comments from relatives or friends?
5. How do I really start it all?
6. What do ... Views: 1068
Have you ever had the feeling while reading a newspaper, listening to a lecture, or sitting around a dinner table talking with friends about current events, that “Something ought to be done about that”? Or perhaps you have felt appalled by an injustice of some sad event and thought, “What is to ... Views: 1040
Once when I went to a new (to me) yoga class I had a teacher say, "When we go into a pose, we can listen to our ego, which says, 'Push, push, go lower, go deeper,' or we can practice non-violence (in Sanskrit ahimsa) and truth (sattva)."
Non-violence toward ourselves = self-kindness. I won't ... Views: 1792
For most people on they spiritual journey, it’s been long and bumpy roads. Knowing what we want isn’t always easy and knowing how to get there is sometimes even more mysterious. A good question to begin with is ‘where are you now as opposed to where will you be next week?’ By creating and ... Views: 1414
More and more individuals are reporting increased stress in their lives. For many, this is because they are putting undue pressures on themselves and are working longer hours. After a certain time, different for everyone, the effort that you are putting into your work becomes counter-productive. ... Views: 1666
It’s stressful isn’t it? Having to get all those things ready, trying not to forget anything, not to mention bickering kids, tantrums about what to wear or the sleepy head who doesn’t want to wake up. No, the morning rush isn’t any fun but luckily there are a few things you can do to bring ... Views: 1171
I’ve talked before about how essential it is to have a plan for life. Not just having appointments in your planner and tasks on your to do list, but making sure your actions actually bring you closer to your long-term goals.
Let me share a brief story about Bill, a man in his early forties, ... Views: 1090
This past weekend I was exploring the Virginia Creeper Trail in Damascus, VA. Along the drive up the curvy road to our drop-off in Whitetop, VA, the driver for our shuttle made idle chitchat about the history of the area and different places to visit. We rounded a particularly sharp curve lined ... Views: 1258
Finding the right gift can be a stressor at any time of the year. Your parents probably have everything they need and more knickknacks than they have room for. Your own children may not need more toys or want you to pick out clothes for them.
Almost everyone has some area of their life that ... Views: 1229
I was standing in line the other day at one of those dollar stores that every small town has and in front of me was a woman in her late thirties, early forties and her young son, who looked to be about 10 or 11-years old.
The kid was having a good time and wrapped up in his own little world. ... Views: 2587
Overnight you went from being a single rather cranky woman dateless for lo these many months to Miss Adored Sunshine of His Life in THE most amazing relationship you've every had. You've never felt so beautiful, so wanted, so loved. This is a fairy tale come true. He was wonderfully passionate, ... Views: 919