The healing stream is a frequency of energy that comes from the divine source. Some people call this source God, the higher self, the higher power, the divine self, the creator, the spirit, and other names. The key is that this energy exists in a higher dimensional plane of existence and it ... Views: 1224
YOU CAN CREATE the wealth, love and abundance your heart has always known is its birthright. This is the time to wake up to who you really are.
Your success in life flows through your imagination and your willingness to see your Self as being one with all that is in the universe. You have ... Views: 1120
Intimate Fun
Intimate Fun: the joyous being that we create by our being joyous together: the WE that we become when we are having fun together. The Tickled WE.
To aid you in your personal explorations of Intimate Fun, I present the following exercises.
Mutual ME-ditation
Hold each other's ... Views: 547
I am Sananda, and I have come upon the rays of Wisdom and Light, stepping forward to deliver my message to all my beloveds at this time.
The world is changing so much and very fast, many of you have noticed.
This is what we have worked for, this is why we are here.
I love you all so dearly, ... Views: 1553
You are sitting by a quietly flowing stream in the countryside. It is spring and life is green and moist? Sitting on a rock, the sights and sounds of the flowing water begin to work their mysterious way into your nervous system.
Gradually, with the simple repetition of the water’s song and the ... Views: 827
Beloved Ones, many of you judge yourselves harshly and see yourselves with eyes that are veiled, perceiving only the limitations and not the beauty that lies within. Yet, every soul is radiant with an inner light that never dims though it may be covered over. There is no being who is not filled ... Views: 762
Meditation can be described in hundreds of ways. Here we will give some brief explanations about this so-extremely-important aspect of human harmony, health and spiritual evolution.
Three Aspects of Meditation
1. The first step is relaxation or surrendering of the body and mind so that the ... Views: 647
The mind is the molder of our personal and communal world.
Every event we perceive through our senses is analyzed, evaluated and registered in the mind as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. Our belief systems seek to determine whether each perceived input is something, which will "protect" or ... Views: 1144
Dedicated spirituality is living spirituality. This means that abilities and skills are honed and refined continuously in daily life. Dedicated spirituality means revolving the rest of our lives around our spiritual practice and not the other way around. It is not for everyone, just as ... Views: 1033
The experience of optimal functioning called flow enhances creativity, and can be nurtured in our own lives, says the psychologist who developed the concept.
Author of "Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience" and a number of related books, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced me-high ... Views: 1461
For many centuries spiritual leaders have taught us that we are one family and that the solution to all of our problems is to live in unity, peace, love and cooperation. Christ gave special emphasis to these values and encouraged his followers to think of God as their mutual Father and all ... Views: 716
Although I can remember talking to God as a child, when I was an adult and thought about talking to God, what came to mind was: "Who are you to think that you can talk to God?"
There are lots of thoughts that arise within us when we think about hearing God's Voice: "Talking to ... Views: 1034
Physicists have been saying for decades, maybe centuries, and mystics for eons that everything is made of energy. It's one thing to learn that fact as a kid so you can spit it back on a science exam. It's another thing to accept it intellectually.
It's something very profound and different, ... Views: 1316
Anyone who has any interest in the field of self-development will quickly see that there are countless books to be found on the subject of positive thinking. Indeed, this discipline has been around for so long now, so familiar, that in some ... Views: 958
In the 7th chapter of the book of Luke, scriptures tell us about an incident in which Jesus entered a town. There He found a widow crying over the death of her only child, her son. Moved by compassion, He touched the open coffin (an act which was not acceptable in those days because it was ... Views: 1159
He was born in Bethlehem. However, because of the politics of that day, His father, Joseph moved the family from Bethlehem to Egypt and finally into a peaceful area called Galillee, in the town called Nazareth. Nazareth was located between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea. Jesus grew ... Views: 6596
She came to the well to seek peace, comfort, and solitude. What she found was Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus had had a need to go through Samaria that day. And although His disciples had gone into town to buy food, Jesus had chosen to stay behind.
It was approximately noon and Jesus was ... Views: 949
By Richard S. Brown, GIA, PG
Bangkok, Thailand
Since ancient times sages and alchemists of the East have revealed the precise science relating the elements of nature with the nine planets, as well as the proper method of combining these astral elements into powerful ... Views: 2982
Working Eighty Hours a Week—and Not Complaining!
To remain competitive, every employee needs to put in a good 100 hours a week working on assigned goals. That's impossible, you say. There's no way your staff will accept anywhere near that workload. And with budgets so tight, you can't afford ... Views: 1422
These four principles are essential in beginning your journey of joy.
God loves you and created you to know Him personally.
God's Love: "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" ... Views: 1159
Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it!
As long as I can remember I wanted two things: to become the vice president of a company (I am not sure why I didn't wish for anything higher?) and to own and operate my own business. I had no specific order of events in mind, but those were ... Views: 901
Astrology provides an interesting roadmap that can help you "decode" some of the mysteries of your life, your relationships, other people, your individual pasts, your unfolding future, and your personal destiny. If you look at that list carefully, you'll see a tremendous wealth of material ... Views: 1000
How can you stay motivated in the midst of turbulent times and a sluggish economy? How do you persevere when many companies are reducing spending and customers seem to be holding on to every last penny in fear of an economic downturn? Every challenge you encounter in your life comes with the ... Views: 1070
I want to change for the better. I want you to change for the better. You and I are both on the path of greater awareness of our life’s purpose. We are changing for the better. I want to change and grow, but at the same time I want to feel balanced. When I am balanced I am balanced in work and ... Views: 2446
I had a track coach in high-school named Coach Arnold. He used to hold a lot of meetings before practice. He would tell us that half the battle in sports is mental toughness. He expected the basics of discipline. We were to be on time to the locker room and keep our grades up so we would stay ... Views: 796
Numerous labels have been placed on fear in an attempt to cover the wide spectrum of avenues down which we come face to face with this, often times misunderstood, force in our lives. In our world of dualistic views and beliefs, courage would definitely be pinned as Fear's opposite or ... Views: 1267
Does this profile fit you? You carefully record your dreams each morning because you are confident they contain important, personally significant messages about your state of well being, pertinent suggestions for life-choices, precognitive data, and other communiqués from spirit. You lucidly ... Views: 1138
The artist is not a special kind of man, but every man is a special kind of artist. Ananda Coomaraswamy 1877-1947 Transformation of Nature in Art (1934)
Do you think only famous people like Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci are artists?
Some ... Views: 861
There are many ways you can "touch" somebody. How does your "touching" others affect you?
In my April 2001 article, entitled "Touching Part l," I referred to someone who was able to help her mother achieve a partial recovery from a very severe Alzheimer's condition. She did this mainly by ... Views: 898
The English novelist, Rudyard Kipling, once said that "Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." Indeed, words can make you cry, can make you laugh, and can kill you. Why? Because of the "images" that they leave in our minds. Although most of us may not realize what is ... Views: 1081
Have you touched anyone today? A few weeks ago, I started to think that I'd like to write an article entitled "Touching". At that time, I had no idea how to go about it, but the title kept parading in my mind. That same week, a friend of mind called me to let me know about a great event that had ... Views: 665
Is there anything new under the sun? Those of us in the spiritual quest know that there isn't. Indeed, we are learning by repetition to remember what we forgot: we are all part of something beyond words, unlimited, indivisible and instantaneous.
Plato wrote, " there is no such thing as ... Views: 1046
Is there anything new under the sun? Those of us in the spiritual quest know that there isn't. Indeed, we are learning by repetition to remember what we forgot: we are all part of something beyond words, unlimited, indivisible and instantaneous.
Plato wrote, " there is no such thing as ... Views: 1194
"...And have a good life!"
Odete Martins Bigote
Our life experiences have taught us that we are all born with an ego. Fear, hate, anger, guilt, separation, false love are some of the components of our ego thought system.
Does the ego have a purpose? The answer is, of ... Views: 885
1) Identify what will give you fulfillment in life, so you know what to guide your life towards.
2) Evaluate how well you are getting this at present - the starting point on your journey.
3) Set objectives which support you in being fulfilled today, and which motivate and focus you towards ... Views: 892
It occurs to me that many people think life is supposed to be difficult. Everything seems to be a struggle. The glass is always half empty as opposed to half filled. Why do you think people think that life is supposed to be that way?
It has been said that parents teach their children that ... Views: 784
The starting point in astrological prognostications is the astrological chart commonly known as the horoscope. It is essential that the chart is delineated correctly and properly. To avoid faulty judgements and pronouncements it is necessary to inquire and ascertain the accuracy. These days, ... Views: 3931
And the jewel in the crown shown brightly from the young man's head. And he walked with the golden light of heaven shining around him even on the darkest days, and his feet were guided by his feet. And he walked the path of luxury, paved with golden stones.
Before long ... Views: 1225
Gem therapy, or planetary gemology, dates back to ancient Indian, Greek, Egyptian, and Jewish cultures. Gems were worn for the potencies they imparted, not for their monetary value.
The “Vedas” contain in-depth descriptions and scientific information on gemstones, with specific details about ... Views: 1524
Who Is Jesus - This is for All the Victims of the Recent Tradegy.
In Genesis, He is God the Creator.
In Exodus, He is the Redeemer.
In Leviticus, He is your sanctification.
In Numbers, He is your guide.
In Deuteronomy, He is your teacher.
In Joshua, He is the mighty conqueror.
In Judges, He ... Views: 976
To decide, to be at the level of choice, is to take responsibility for your life and to be in control of your life.
- Abbie M. Dale
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary - choice suggests the opportunity or privilege of choosing freely.
The Key word being - freely. It’s all about ... Views: 839
The primary reason to why affirmations don't work, or only work to a certain extent, is that we are not receptive to them – Our debilitating emotions and disturbing thoughts simply stop them from working.
This is a paradox, because affirmations are very often used with the express purpose of ... Views: 1175
Millions of singles across the world are looking to create relationship bliss. It takes time. It requires energy. It mandates desire. A lot of people have all that. What they don’t have is a valid and reliable Roadmap to Relationship Success. Whether they’re accessing Yahoo Maps or their ... Views: 865
In Astrology, the Sun represents your basic personality, the central cluster of traits and interests, strengths and personal issues that color and influence the various other parts of your character -- the inner selves and different roles described by the nine other planets in your horoscope. ... Views: 1008
The Moon has a mystique all its own. It is often associated with secrecy and mystery ... and is associated with strange, uncanny powers. It evokes a peculiar range of responses in cultures everywhere, from curiosity and wonder, to romance and affection, to awe and dread. In legend (and the lore ... Views: 1181
In the midst of our lives, hungry, thirsty and often weary,
there comes a moment when we stop and wonder, “Is this all
there is? Is there another way to live my life that will
bring the joy and contentment that eludes me?”
Caught in the patterns of our lives, each of us has an ... Views: 5273
Have you ever noticed that little voice in your mind? You know; the voice that right now is saying “what little voice?”… You probably know what I am talking about. Every one of us has some kind of internal dialog going on most of the day. Mine drives me nuts sometimes! To keep ... Views: 1287
What do people mean by self-development, self improvement, or personal growth? They all indicate a focus on the individual, an ideal of becoming something more than we are, or perhaps becoming more fully what we already are. Self development means exploring your potential, creating your ideal ... Views: 1288
One spiritual truth in which I deeply believe is that ultimately we are all part of the One. I also believe that it is possible to view all life forms, appreciate that each has its distinctive characteristics and at the same time experience the common element of soul which unites them.
I say it ... Views: 1885
You can spend your life time always doing something that looks good on
someone else or have you taken the time to find your own beauty
style? It maybe harsh words but everyday you are hit from all sides
with something new to do or try. It gets very hard to get
confused on what looks good.
Try ... Views: 977