Cryptocurrency exchange script is decentralized exchange script which allows peers in the crypto market to trade directly with each other without any trusted third party processing their trades or holding their funds
P2P Exchange script accelerates peer-to-peer exchanges which are executed entirely by pre-programmed software, without requiring human operation or supervision.
Coinjoker offers trusted p2p crypto exchange script which enhances your trading experiences by directly buy and sell cryptos without need of middlemen presence.
Buy the way as an admin, you need not to store your traders cryptos and their address. So, you can free from the difficulties by our risk free p2p exchange script.
Security Features of P2P Crypto Exchange Script
Secure Admin Panel
Two Factor Authentication
Multi Sig Wallet Integration
Secure Cold Wallet Storage
Anti Denial of Service (DoS)
HTTPs Authentication
Registry Lock
Secure Data Encryption
Jail login System
Email Verifications
Benefits of P2P Crypto Exchange Script
⦁ Low trading costs
⦁ Ready To Deploy Script
⦁ White label Solution Provider
⦁ Liquidity Solutions Provider
⦁ Cutting edge blockchain solutions
⦁ Quicker and risk free transactions
⦁ Strengthened Security and Privacy
⦁ Censorship in transactions
⦁ Provision for Global Transactions
⦁ Immunity to government regulations
⦁ Self-explanatory interface
⦁ Lower fees
⦁ Ensuring Fraud Prevention
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