What is clear is that if a man’s life revolves around his mother, he is not going to be able to live his own life. To use an analogy, it will be as though he is driving a car and instead of driving where he needs to go, he continually follows another car.
But, even though he will be ... Views: 90
Mental health has become a critical issue in the United States, with millions of Americans experiencing mental health challenges every year. Despite increased awareness and a growing recognition of the importance of mental well-being, the nation continues to grapple with a mental health crisis ... Views: 110
Now that someone is in their forties or fifties, they could have a deep sense that something is missing. This can mean that certain parts of their life are no longer satisfying, or this could relate to their whole life.
Along with the sense that they are living in the wrong way, they can ... Views: 83
Female narcissists can be harder to spot; first, because they’re less numerous, and second, because their behavior may be less assertive and public compared to male narcissists. Male narcissists outnumber female narcissists nearly three to one. However, narcissistic personality disorder is on ... Views: 118
As an adult, a man is free to do what is right for him and live his own life. However, if he spends most of his life focused on and doing things for his mother, he is unlikely to realise this.
In fact, he might not even realise that he is overly focused on his mother let alone that he has the ... Views: 89
For quite some time now, someone might have suffered from depression. As a result of this, they can typically have a low mode, not be able to experience pleasure or be interested in doing a great deal.
Due to this, days, weeks, months and even years might have passed by but they won’t have ... Views: 106
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on how they behave, they may find that they have the inclination to ignore their own needs and be there for others. After this, they might see that they have been this way for as long as they can remember.
Naturally, by being this way, a number ... Views: 99
Even if someone is an adult, it doesn’t mean that they will have actually had a childhood. Of course, there will have been a stage of their life when they were a child but this might have been a stage when they were rarely able to be a child.
If so, throughout this stage of their life, they ... Views: 86
I've hiked a lot and have often had to depend on what was in my pack. Inner strengths are the supplies you've got in your pack as you make your way down the twisting and often hard road of life. They include a positive mood, common sense, integrity, inner peace, determination, and a warm heart. ... Views: 110
Although someone will want to experience deeper connections with others, it doesn’t mean that they will be able to do so. So, they could find that other people are out of reach and they are unable to get close to them.
As a result, they might not have any close friends and they might not have ... Views: 94
If a man were to see that he is overly focused on his mother and is neglecting himself, he might soon feel the need to spend less time being there for her and more time being there for himself. However, this doesn’t mean that he will just be able to draw the line with her and start living his ... Views: 101
As our screens become a central part of our lives, it’s crucial to understand if digital dopamine is taking a toll on your well-being
In our increasingly connected world, digital devices have become integral to daily life. However, the constant stream of notifications, likes, and updates can ... Views: 123
Gambling can start as a simple thrill, but when it takes over, it becomes a serious concern.
For some, it's a harmless pastime. For others, it is a dangerous path to trouble. In a world where placing a bet is as easy as tapping a screen, the line between fun and addiction blurs quickly. ... Views: 120
What someone can find is that they have trouble knowing how they feel and what their needs are. They might see that they have been this way for as long as they can remember.
After this, they could think about how being this way makes it hard for them to know what to do. But, as they will have ... Views: 114
If a man generally wasn’t seen and heard by his mother during his formative years, it doesn’t mean that he no longer has these needs. He can then be in a position where just about his whole life revolves around his mother and his need to be seen and heard by her.
However, if behaving in this ... Views: 93
If someone were to step back and reflect on their formative years, they may see that this stage of their life was not very nurturing. This may have been a time when their mother was often abusive.
Assuming that this was the case, they wouldn’t have had a mother who was very maternal. It would ... Views: 115
“Peace” can sound merely sentimental or clichéd (“visualize whirled peas”). But deep down, it’s what most of us long for. Consider the proverb: The highest happiness is peace.
Not a peace inside that ignores pain in oneself or others or is acquired by shutting down. This is a durable ... Views: 109
The Stress Epidemic: A Modern Workplace Plague
Let's talk about the elephant in the office - stress. It's the silent productivity killer, the reason behind those tension headaches, sleepless nights, and that overwhelming desire to scream into your keyboard.
Traditional wellness programs might ... Views: 115
What can be normal is for a man to experience ‘negative’ thoughts and to feel bad about himself. Thanks to this, he can spend a lot of time feeling low and depressed.
Also, he might seldom take action and do what he can to achieve his goals. Taking this into account, he is unlikely to live a ... Views: 111
In general, a man could be passive, easy-going, not stand up for himself or be assertive. Consequently, he is seldom going to take action, express his opinion, stand his ground or assert himself.
Most likely, this is going to stop him from being able to live a fulfilling life. For example, he ... Views: 109
Right now, a man could be with a woman who doesn’t treat him very well. So, what can be normal is for him to be put down, humiliated, ignored, rejected and there may even be times when he is hit.
He might have been with her for a number of months or he might have been with her for a number of ... Views: 113
After a man has come to see that his mother didn’t treat him very well during his formative years, he can have the need to talk to her about what took place. Based on what he experienced, he might have come to the conclusion that she hated him.
Or, if he might have concluded that there were ... Views: 102
If a man were to step back and reflect on his early years, he might see that his mother often treated him like he was nothing. So, he might have frequently been criticised, humiliated, hit, rejected, and even left by her.
Now, if he were to imagine that he has a child, assuming that he ... Views: 105
If a man was brought up by a mother who, in general, wasn’t very nurturing, it doesn’t mean that he will be aware of this. So, when he thinks about this stage of his life, he could think about how his mother did love him but that she didn’t always show it.
The view that he has of her is then ... Views: 114
What someone may find is that just about whenever they take a step forward, they soon end up taking a step back. There can also be times when they end up taking more than one step back.
Thanks to this, they could be extremely frustrated and angry about not being able to move forward in life. ... Views: 104
If you are struggling with insomnia in New Mexico, seeking help from an insomnia treatment clinic could be the key to getting a good night's sleep. These clinics specialize in diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, including insomnia. When you arrive at the clinic, you can expect to undergo a ... Views: 129
Recently, the truth behind Austell's methadone outpatient program has been revealed, shedding light on the problematic aspects of the program. While the program was created with good intentions to help individuals struggling with addiction, it has been found that the program lacks proper ... Views: 123
There’s a new buzzword that has grown in popularity all over social media, and that is – “Manifestation!”
Manifestation has become a phenomenon that everybody seems to be interested in at the moment, particularly on TikTok. The platform’s bite-sized content format has transformed the topic of ... Views: 119
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, they may find that they have the tendency to behave in ways that don’t serve them. This can take place in both big and small ways.
So, they might have been in at least one relationship that was going well and then, they ended up ... Views: 95
Nowadays, there are numerous phobias that someone can have, and some of these are more well-known than others. Furthermore, while some of these phobias can stop them from being able to live a full and rich life, others can typically be put to one side and not trouble them.
If, then, they were ... Views: 97
Although someone can be used to being physically seen by others, it doesn’t mean that they will feel seen. In general, they can feel as though they are not seen and even question if they exist.
It could seem strange as to how they could be seen by others and at the same time, not feel seen. ... Views: 110
By "war," I mean here a mindset, not combat between nations with tanks and bombs. The "war" I'm referring to is an attitude of conflict and animosity toward a person, object, or condition. Parents can feel at war with a misbehaving teenager, and certainly vice versa. Neighbors quarreling over a ... Views: 120
If a woman is with a man who is focused on his mother’s needs and does what he can to please her, she is likely to wonder what is going on. She can struggle to understand why he is behaving in this way.
It could be clear to her that he is not there for himself and this is causing him to ... Views: 121
If someone were to reflect on how a man behaves, they could soon come to the conclusion that he doesn’t value himself. The reason for this is that he could have a job that he can’t stand and be in a relationship where he is walked over.
Then again, he could have a job that he enjoys but he ... Views: 107
After a woman has been with a man for a while, what might enter her mind is that she is more like his mother than his girlfriend. Now, there can be a variety of reasons as to why she would come to this conclusion.
First, she can be the one who makes most of the decisions and plans just about ... Views: 114
Although a man has an intellectual, emotional and sexual side, it doesn’t mean that he is comfortable with all of these sides. Thus, when he is in a relationship, a big part of him could end up being overlooked.
So, in the beginning, he could be sexually attracted to the woman and have ... Views: 95
After a man has experienced a breakup, he can experience a number of different feelings. For example, he can feel angry, sad, helpless, and hopeless and be full of regret.
If so, what this can show is that he was with a woman who he was very fond of and perhaps loved. Perhaps he was with her ... Views: 85
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, one thing that might end up standing out is that they have the tendency to act without thinking. As a result of this, they won’t think about the consequences that may arise if they do something; they will just take action.
They ... Views: 114
There is a video circulating online where two police officers visit a home, after being informed that a child is being abused. It starts with a police officer saying to a woman, “We’re here to investigate a child abuse complaint”.
The woman then responds with, “I didn’t call the police”. Soon ... Views: 110
You may have seen the old Mickey Mouse movie in which he is working at a conveyor belt in a factory. More and more widgets come at him that he must handle, and he gets increasingly frazzled as he struggles to keep up.
Do you ever feel the same way? Think about all the dishes, emails, ... Views: 124
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Withdrawal: Can Early Deprivation Cause Someone To Withdraw Under Stress? - by Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation; including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, enmeshment, inner child, true self and inner awareness. With over three thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/ Feel free to join the Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/OliverJRCooper
What someone may find, if they were to step back and reflect on their life, is that they behave in a way that doesn’t serve them when they experience a lot of stress. So, they can see that they have the tendency to withdraw physically.
Along with this, they can lose touch with their emotional ... Views: 103
A man could have a mother who is unwell or he might not but he could still spend a lot of time doing things for her. From the outside, it can be as though she is his daughter and it is his responsibility to take care of her.
So, when he is not taking care of his basic needs or at work, for ... Views: 125
Even though someone can be free to express themselves, it doesn’t mean that they will do so. Instead, based on how they typically behave, it can be as though they are in an invisible prison.
However, if this is just what is normal, they might not realise that they are living in a very ... Views: 106
If a man were to take a step back and reflect on his life, he could see that he is too focused on his mother's needs and is ignoring a number of his own. He might soon find that this is how he has been for as long as he can remember.
For whatever reason, he will have started to see clearly ... Views: 114
If someone were to come to see that their early years were anything but nurturing, they could feel the need to talk to their parent or parents about what happened. They can hope that this will be a time when what they say is validated and empathy and remorse are expressed.
Now, assuming that ... Views: 107
What a man may find, if he were to take a step back and reflect, is that he finds it hard to stick to things. So, he can come up with a goal and start taking action and then, before long, he can put it to one side.
He might see that this often takes place after he has experienced a setback. ... Views: 115
Emotional incest has been compared to actual incest because it similarly creates long-lasting effects on psychosocial development and into adulthood. Sometimes the targeted child is referred to as a “surrogate spouse,” due to parent-child enmeshment or a codependent parent-child ... Views: 141
If someone was attacked in a public place, they could end up paying a visit to a police station. They will have been harmed, so naturally they will want to do something about what has happened.
If they were attacked in a public place, there is a chance that at least one camera recorded what ... Views: 104
Want to try a little experiment?
Stop breathing. Really. For a few seconds, maybe a few dozen seconds, and see how it feels.
For me, this experiment is an intimate way to experience a deep truth that we live dependently, relying on 10,000 things for physical survival, happiness, ... Views: 130
It has been said that when there is a will, there is a way. What this illustrates is how important willpower is when it comes to achieving something.
This is then an inner source of power that will allow someone to get from where they are, to where they want to be. Along with this, it is this ... Views: 94