There are a couple of things you've probably heard said over and over. The first is, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?". What you'll generally hear next is the response which goes something like, "God DOES answer your prayers. Sometimes he just says 'No'".
The fact is, it's not God who says ... Views: 1952
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When It Was Fun - by Liz Sumner, Life Coach (
When did it stop being fun to try things we're not already good at? There must have been a time when it was okay to experiment, before self-criticism paralyzed us with its withering attacks. It's so unfair to expect perfection the first time out. Wouldn't it be great if performance didn't matter ... Views: 1418
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who was on a diet. She really wanted a spoonful of Hershey's syrup from the can in the refrigerator. But no, that wasn't allowed. So she had some carrot sticks instead. Then some celery. But that didn't satisfy her desire. So she had some more ... Views: 1618
In our fast paced environment it is easy to become out of sync, imbalanced, and pulled in different directions. Our work crosses over into our personal lives. Traveling for pleasure soon ends up being combined with business. Boundaries become skewed until soon we can’t even remember what they ... Views: 1893
There are lots of things credit card companies can do legally that are unfair and that leave you in the lurch if you're not aware of them. For more information, go to where these facts come from.
1. Bait and switch. You think you're applying for a credit card with ... Views: 1759
Winning Begins The Minute You Do.
Some of the most gratifying and satisfying feelings you can ever experience in life are those precious moments when you put your best to the test -- and you come out on top.
But in order for any of us to feel the exhiliration of walking in the cherished ... Views: 1614
You are unique, you are special, we all are, and I feel sure that we would all like to have the best of everything life has to offer because that makes us feel good, and feeling that way is comfortable and makes us feel safe. Do you know that you have it within your power today to make changes ... Views: 1689
We are about to celebrate US Thanksgiving -- a holiday that celebrates and appreciates abundance -- which means something different to every person. You probably don't bring in a harvest from the fields, but we all reap a harvest every year, based on what we did in earlier years.
When ... Views: 1630
We tend to think of feeling angry as being caused by rude drivers, people we don't like, or 100 degree temperatures, and feeling good as being caused by kind people, successful projects, or ice cream cones.
When we're working on our emotional intelligence we work on our self-talk and ... Views: 2673
Happy people never concern themselves with past events, and never question whether they or anyone else could have done something other than what they did.
But unhappy people think that they or someone else could have done something differently, or could have spoken, or thought, or felt ... Views: 1790
If you're an introvert (about 10% of the population), the holidays can be a stressful time. Here are some things to keep in mind to make it more enjoyable for yourself.
1. Be sure and plan plenty of time for extra rest and time alone for recharging your batteries.
2. Don't accept every party ... Views: 1586
Whether you want to go on a luxurious vacation or you need to buy braces for your daughter, everyone simply wants more money. Here are some fast, easy ways to help you get a financial foot-hold in the New Year ahead!
First, find the southeast portion of your house; this is the wealth sector of ... Views: 3608
Thanksgiving is the most important holiday of the year.
Oh, sure, Christmas is grand, and I know it has many, many fans. I'm not knocking Christmas, but Thanksgiving is more important. And Easter has its fans, too. Rebirth is a wonderful thing, but I still say Thanksgiving is more important. ... Views: 1958
As a member and participant in many professional associations, Ive experienced some great meetings and some awful ones. Whats the difference between the great and awful? Often times its the host of the meeting they can be gracious and pleasant, or overbearing, boring, or ... Views: 8211
Balance could be defined as having a strong personal foundation, an appropriate level of stimulation in each life area, and knowing your limits. Each person will have an individual definition of balance; based on their life unique situation. However being balanced does imply making conscious ... Views: 1943
Success is the result of certain habits and attitudes. There is no mystery, no secret society you must join. It is a mathematic equation: Think certain thoughts + do certain things = success.
If you look, these success habits and attitudes are everywhere. Yours for the taking. However, to work ... Views: 1575
Sometimes we are so occupied with our daily routine in life that we forget that "we" are the most important element of our existence. We need to be nourished in order to grow.
When we look at the people around us, we most likely find that most people's favorite pastime is to complain. And just ... Views: 1692
FENG shui (say "fung shway") is the art of creating a home environment that supports the life you wish to live. A key element of feng shui is creating a smooth flow of chi (positive energy) through your space. Chi likes to move through your home as though it were a gentle breeze or a meandering ... Views: 1654
Learning a foreign language is one of the best things you can do to balance brain hemispheres. And why is this important? Because it makes you more intelligent and more creative!
There is another advantage to learning a foreign language and that is because it will re-create your initial ... Views: 2152
When sailing through life, sometimes you’ll encounter rough seas. Here are some of the things you’ll need to ride the waves to fun and happiness.
You’re the CAPTAIN of your ship. Be empowered means having a deep sense of confidence that you can take charge of your ship and handle whatever ... Views: 3571
"Life is easy" seems easily understood intellectually. Take what comes along with thanks and gratitude; the circumstances and choices we make are perfect for us. All this feels right when said in a contemplative atmosphere. But after a few doses of life's reality, we have a difficult time ... Views: 2359
Feeling good about your life involves just 2 parts. Really! One is to learn to think about yourself in healthy ways. This is a learned skill, ladies and gentlemen, not something that a lucky few were born with.
Some of us were taught as children how to create self esteem and self ... Views: 6574
Every now and again, as we work to make our dreams come true, we will find ourselves tired, stuck, and trapped. We'll feel as if we've painted ourselves into a corner and not know how to get out and get moving.
If you reach point where you feel like you're stuck and nothing you do seems to be ... Views: 11298