When you're just starting out in business, it's a safe bet that you need more clients. But what if you have been up and running for a while, and you're still not making as much money as you would like? You may be in the habit of thinking that attracting new clients is the answer, but this isn't ... Views: 1468
No, that's not a typo in the title. Resolutions are easy; most of us make them at least once a year. A revolution, on the other hand, is something you may not have made since you started your business.
Starting a business is actually quite revolutionary. When you began yours, there were ... Views: 1607
Have you ever had a bad day, when everything went wrong from the moment the alarm didn't go off, your ten-minute commute grew to forty minutes while you waited for someone to fix the road, and you couldn't find the notes you needed for a meeting? On those days you are also likely to collect ... Views: 1340
The traditional notion of ‘coaching’ in the sports arena has found new expression in the business world. More & more, businesses are taking advantage of the expert services of Business Coaches to help bring out the ‘best’ in their people, investing in their development, satisfaction & ... Views: 1831
In the years following college graduation, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do.
I knew I had to take action (I had bills to pay; my parents were poking their heads in my bedroom door, “politely” asking when I was going to get a job; and more than anything, I wanted to figure out my plan, ... Views: 4224
Copyright 2003, Cosmiccoachingcentre.com
I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my personal vision. Having a job that reflects my personal ... Views: 32728
Which coach fits you?
Karen hired a "mentor" coach to help her business grow. The coach applauded Karen's efforts to design her website. On a slow week, the coach said, "Clear clutter and learn to dance."
After three months, Karen had a big coaching bill, a multicolored website, an empty ... Views: 1259
These days, countless professionals are yearning for a more fulfilling career that can give them both personal and professional satisfaction. They want the freedom to design the career of their dreams and the self-reliance to trust that they made the correct decision.
For many people, their ... Views: 1130
At present there are over 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google, and that definitely does not cover the entire Internet. With so many competitors around, you sure have to use every conceivable method available to promote your website.
Newsgroups can be very powerful tools in your web promotion ... Views: 1868
When clients change their lives or careers, they oftenstruggle with the notion of abundance. It's hard to feelabundant when you watch your savings dwindle or you realizethat a former routine purchase has now become a luxury.
And you may hear the guidance, "Maybe you don't need so muchmoney." ... Views: 1259
Medical Transcription: A Viable Work At Home Career
(c) Copyright 2003, Sharon Davis
Are there really viable work at home jobs out there? This is a
question that I'm asked almost daily. The ... Views: 1927
Whether you've got 100 or 100,000 people on your email list, chances are you can optimize your web page to better feature and promote your ezine. Here's a few ways to capture more customers and leads - without having to increase your traffic.
Give Something (Or a Few Things Away)
Studies show ... Views: 1183
Our world today seems to be too busy for our own good. Day after day is a balancing act with tons of demands on your time such as working, personal relationships and maintaining your health just to name a few. With all these priorities, a very important area of life gets put on the back burner. ... Views: 1074
To achieve the critical edge over your competition, consider these seven sales strategies of top performers. ATTRACT BUSINESS TO YOUImagine being flooded with phone calls and emails from hot prospects requesting information on your products and services. Top performers have a philosophy that ... Views: 5569
My father always told me, 'find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life'. - Jim Fox
Consider the Fox quote a starting point for your job or career search and ask yourself these questions:
How can I find work that both:
- gives me the feelings and experiences I most ... Views: 2508
It’s time for me to take off the kid gloves and give it to you straight. Here goes…
You will NEVER achieve anything in your life if you don’t stop making excuses for why you’re not as wealthy as you would be or why you’re overweight or why you can’t find someone to share the rest of your life ... Views: 1683
So here he was, stuck in the office instead of watching his son play hockey. Meanwhile, Steve was out playing street hockey for three hours a day with his kids. What weighed more on Pete’s brain was that street hockey used to be the love of his life now, it was just a nuisance.
Although he’d ... Views: 2331
The Department of Labor predicts that the #1 employer in 2010 will be “self.” A recent Internet poll of 25-44 year olds revealed that 90% of them hoped to own their own business. A survey conducted by Ernst & Young found that 75% of influential Americans believe that entrepreneurship will be ... Views: 2003
There is no better way to distinguish yourself from your competitors than to summarize your prospects' needs- out loud- after probing, and prior to your presentation.
When you summarize, you prove you listened, not that you heard.
What's the difference?
Hearing is simply not being deaf. ... Views: 1051
Equip yourself with the appropriate selling skills and mindset before you step into the sales battlefield!
Doing sales is no longer the same as before. One has to constantly upgrade his skills so as to attain a larger market share in such competitive times. Without the appropriate skills and ... Views: 1131
Serious people actually DO something; other people just talk about doing something or plan to do something one day.
If you want to be wealthy, you must take action.
Action really is the key. You can have the best ideas in the world or be the most talented person on the planet, yet still if ... Views: 1232
Managing your career, just like managing your life, requires preparation and ensuring that your time is directed meaningfully. Don't wait and see; make things happen. Just like athletes who prepare for the "big game” or a marathon, designing your career requires goals, planning, work, and above ... Views: 1139
Many salespeople and business owners mistakenly think that negotiating is something you do near, or at the end of, the sales process, particularly when discussing price or term of the agreement.
Effective negotiating, however, is a process that begins with your first contact with your customer ... Views: 1045
The other day, a patient of mine asked me a question. By itself, asking your doctor a question is not unique, but what makes this question stands out is that this was not a question pertaining to health.
He asked me whether the economic downturn ever affect the health industry in general, and ... Views: 1454
In a recent conversation with a college professor friend of mine, he mentioned a growing phenomenon that occurs in most every one of his sessions with his students. He happens to teach Leadership and Organizational Development, and his classes include students in their late teens as well as ... Views: 1741
Copyright Philip Campbell, CPA - All Rights Reserved
Cash is the lifeblood of every business. Cash is what keeps your business alive. It is a very precious asset that must be treated with the care and attention it deserves.
Always remember, Cash Is King, because No Cash = No Business.
One ... Views: 1106
Change occurs constantly. Things move so fast today, people cannot keep up. With every change, there is a process that occurs. The process is called transition and there are three stages: an ending, middle and a new beginning. These stages can happen separately or simultaneously. Depending upon ... Views: 1279
In her book, The Introvert Advantage, Marty Olsen Laney talks about the defining moment when she embraced the fact that she was an introvert. It came in the form of a statement, "Oh, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just an introvert!"
According to her research only 25% of people are ... Views: 4464
How do you figure out what you were meant to do? How do you know what you're really good at? What can you do that makes you shine?
One obstacle most of us have is that we really don't know. People are quick to point out our weaknesses and most of us in childhood and onward were pushed toward ... Views: 1009
I love artists, because I’m a wordsmith and they say things I can never say. Here are two of my favorite paintings about work, both by Caillebotte:
http://www.webstrategies.cc/caillebotte1.jpg ;
http://www.webstrategies.cc/caillebotte2.jpg .
My mother was full of aphorisms. I grew up with ... Views: 5848
"So, why don't you tell me about yourself?" is the mostfrequently asked interview question. It's a question thatmost interviewees expect and the one they have the mostdifficulty answering. Though one could answer this open-ended question in a myriad of ways, the key to answeringthis question or ... Views: 1710
One of the most important aspects of a website today is the webcopy - sometimes called the sales letter.
In days gone bye, banners and graphics were all important but now it's the words that do the selling.
This short article will give you some pointers about writing good webcopy.
1.You must ... Views: 1274
One of the drawbacks of operating a small, home-based business is the continuous loneliness caused from operating the business alone. It can be difficult being the only instrument player in a marching band, but since more and more individuals are seeking the freedom of working from home, ... Views: 1330
Employers and recruiters don’t have time to waste and they have no problem tossing out your resume. More than likely there are hundreds, possibly thousands following yours! The job market is tight and it takes more than a mediocre to open doors. To make it to the second round of reviews, your ... Views: 1087
If you happen to be a member of any kind of group that meets regularly, I’m calling you to play your part in saving the world from millions of wasted hours in boring, poorly facilitated meetings!
Any participant in any group, at anytime, can commit a Random Act of Facilitation to ... Views: 1348
I referenced the circus because I just finished another interviewing book that recommends asking for the job before leaving the interview. I can envision up to 15 qualified professionals each asking the interviewer for the job. If each asks for the job, doesn’t that make the question null and ... Views: 1065
In the midst of hundreds, if not thousands, of résumés recruiters and employers receive for any given position, your résumé needs to stand out from the crowd. You must make the Hiring Manager want to read your résumé more thoroughly than just the rudimentary 10-20 seconds the vast majority of ... Views: 1180
"Life-long learning" is a popular trend that continues to offer vast opportunities to all those who recognize its value. It also applies to more than a single segment of your business.
For instance, consider its application in a key area such as customer service and satisfaction. Do your ... Views: 1755
As I was riding down the road last week, I noticed a billboard. As I sat waiting on a stoplight I kept staring at it. I couldn’t help wondering what those people were thinking when they created that thing. It made no sense to me whatsoever. The focus was completely off. They were spending ... Views: 1086
Every client I deal with, in one way or another, eventually asks that question. The words may be different, but the question is the same. In this turn-of-the-century economic environment, it's a universal question. If you haven't confronted the issue yet, it's only a matter of time before you ... Views: 1321
"Selling is more difficult now that it was just a couple of years ago." Most of the participants in my sales seminars nod solemnly when I make that statement. And then they begin to fidget in their seats when I follow that up with this: "And it will be more difficult next year than it is today." ... Views: 1328
Sales are frequently developed through the relationships we have created with other people. Networking functions provide the opportunity to expand our contact list, particularly when we create and nurture quality relationships. It is not enough to visit a networking group, talk to dozens of ... Views: 1212