I have a friend who is a sales professional and he is very successful in his field. I asked him about the secret to his meteoric success.
If you are selling products that everybody needs, apparently everyone is your prospect. This is what happens to my friend. Everybody he sees is his potential ... Views: 961
Trade shows are a bonaza of sponsorship opportunities. Talk with any show organizer, and they’ll be more than happy to explain how you can make sure your company’s name and logo are plastered all over the arena, on the program guide, over the hospitality suite, even on the tote bags everyone ... Views: 956
What separates successful sales people from everyone else? I believe that most successful sales people, in virtually any industry, possess the following characteristics:
1. They are persistent. Selling or running a business for a living requires a tremendous amount of persistence. Obstacles ... Views: 810
Every experienced real estate investor understands that to succeed in property investing you need to study special texts, learn different investing techniques and never stop searching for new information.
But what if you just recently decided to start investing?
You would like to improve your ... Views: 1406
A Need To Know Basis
Too often investors buy shares in a stock armed with little more than the ticker symbol and a tip from a friend at work. Why not arm yourself with the best possible information, especially when it is all there at your fingertips for free? Here are the bare bones factors ... Views: 1287
When we think about giving from our wealth, most of us think of giving financially. However, there are other ways of giving from our wealth. Some of those ways are right in front of us every day. The following are some examples to consider:
1. Clothing. Clean out your closets and drawers of all ... Views: 1303
You cannot improve what you cannot measure. Just like you must have a Road Map for your overall sales success, each sales call must have its own little road map. We’ll call them scripts. You can develop your own script or begin to use one that has been developed by someone else. Your sales ... Views: 2130
Debt Settlement
Title: Debt SettlementWhat is debt settlement?Debt Settlement is a process to settle your debts with the creditors. With debt settlement, a third party or you yourself negotiate with your creditors to come up with a reduced debt that you agree to pay. The reduction is usually ... Views: 1232
Are you a financial co-dependent? You might be, if you are in the habit of repeatedly giving money to family members who never quite seem to learn from their mistakes.
The term “co-dependency” was originally coined to describe a person married to or otherwise in a relationship with an addict. ... Views: 1893
There are many traits/habits required to be a successful sales person. Determination. Creativity. Negotiation. Superior customer service. Risk taking. Integrity.
You know the one trait that isn't required?
Being a chicken!
This is one of my 7 year old niece's favorite phrases - she likes to ... Views: 815
Whether your company is business-to-business or business-to-consumer, selling almost anything in today’s economic climate is a challenging task. If your sales effort feels like you’re pushing boulders up steep hills, it’s time to take a close look at your media advertising, especially the ... Views: 750
So, you have a great product or service, yet your web site is not getting the high rankings and traffic you desire from the top search engines like Google and MSN Search.
You’re not alone. This scenario is playing out all across the web, yet there is a simple solution to the problem. ... Views: 832
If you have enough clients to keep you busy, you must be making a good living, right? Well, not necessarily. Some of the busiest professionals around aren't earning enough to pay their bills. On the other hand, there are some consultants, coaches and other service providers who have plenty of ... Views: 1486
Your new job starts next week and you're eager to get off to a great start. You want to make a great first impression, get integrated into the new company's culture, and learn their way of doing business as efficiently as you can. And, of course, there's much more. Where to start? Here are a ... Views: 866
You may remember the old television commercials for the Army, the ones that claimed, “We do more before breakfast than most people do all day.” In the case of Wanda Cross, that’s probably true. Cross, a contract specialist with the U.S. Army Space Missile Defense Command (SMDC), is not only ... Views: 972
Identity Theft: They Got Him
His hard earned money? Gone. Creditors on his back everyday. The cops knocking on his door. His family strained to the breaking point. He didn't do anything wrong but my business partner's life got turned upside down afew years back. He became a victim of what is ... Views: 712
by Nicholas Dixon
I have been a blogger since September 2004 but only began to take it seriously this year. My blogging journey began when I stumbled upon a company owned by Google named Blogger.com that offered free tools to build a website.
In fact Blogger provides you with free several ... Views: 1344
I have been reviewing several websites that artists have been submitting to me for review and I have some suggestions in general for everyone reading this.
Consider not having a flash video on your opening page. I use broadband to connect to the internet and still have to wait almost forty ... Views: 716
U.S.P., in marketing, is the acronym for unique sellingproposition. This is asking, "What distinguishes you fromsimilar products or services, even businesses as a whole?"
After using the USP method to uncover the uniqueness of myproducts and services, I continued to find them difficult toname. ... Views: 1342
By Nowshade Kabir. Rusbiz.com
If somebody tells you that your present corporate website can be converted to a B2B portal which will help you significantly improve your company’s productivity in both of the two primary factors: Revenue Growth and Cost Saving, and that the portal can be launched ... Views: 973
Anytime that you are investing in the Forex market, you are going into the Market blind. You don’t know what point of the investing trend you are entering in at. You might be investing in a Forex stock just before the trend changes. Smart investing means you need to protect your trading float ... Views: 1345
As a home business proprietor, you may already realize why avoiding "home business burn out" is so important. You may have already been aware of the need to maintain your energy levels and reduce your stress levels while you were involved in your other employment. It is important to remember ... Views: 834
LIKE most 16-year-olds, Liam Young has a busy time ahead with his GCSE exams this summer.
But unlike his peers he has another pressing concern - running a multi-national computer internet firm.
At the tender age of eight, the Widnes schoolboy started his first business in his bedroom after ... Views: 778
Xmas can be a financially stressful time for many people and that takes the fun out of the festive season. The funny thing about Xmas is it occurs every year and at the same time every year! So with a little bit of planning you can take the stress out and stay debt free.
Here are my Top 10 tips ... Views: 2010
Before I got married, the most consistent piece of advice for me and my fiancée was, “You must have trust”. Nobody told me how to get trust – only that I had to have it. They didn’t tell me why I needed trust – only that it was necessary to build a successful marriage.
Sales leaders say the ... Views: 1164
1. Allow other e-zine publishers or web site owners to republish small nuggets or excerpts of information from your ebook with your byline or ad included.
2. Make extra profits from selling monthly updates of your ebook. You could also back end sell the extra never released chapters of your ... Views: 1286
Autumn’s almost here, and you know what that means. When the leaves start changing color and the school buses start their engines, it’s time for back to school.
It’s not just the kiddies who are headed back to class. It’s an ideal time of year to provide your booth staff with the tools and ... Views: 898
Business is all about work and making money, so why develop the individual who does the work and creates the money?
Teams run most businesses and teams work best if each member is aligned with the whole group and works in a happy friendly way. Team building has been very popular over the last ... Views: 1149
The first point to mastering money management is that you have to understand when you’re trading on the stock market is that you are playing the odds – but unlike many forms of gambling, you can make money. The key to making this money is to respect the risk that is part of the market, and ... Views: 1616
It's easy for a small business operator to delude herself or himself into thinking she or he devotes attention to each employee.
Here is the critical question, "When you give your attention to an employee, does he or she have to share it with the other employees?"
Years ago, a youth leader was ... Views: 1092
Have you ever wondered what type of saleswoman you are? It doesn’t matter if you run your own company or sell for someone else – it is extremely important to know what your style is. What does The Sales Diva mean here? Well – let me throw my high heel on my desk here and I will explain.
Are ... Views: 936
Choosing to make a web site is a very big decision. However, even more important than deciding to make the website itself, is choosing your web host. There are many web hosts out there, and so it is very difficult to find the web host that’s right for you. In order to find the best web host, it ... Views: 1023
Ever wonder, how some importers and exporters get suppliers and buyers from other countries so easily? After trying their hand on eBay an increasing number of people are looking for either a foreign supplier for the items they are trading locally or global buyers for the unique product that they ... Views: 1004
When you first start your business everything can be quiteconfusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that aredifficult to work out on your own. Choosing the rightbusiness for you. How to get the edge on your competitors?What to do first? How to really make money and escape that9-5 job? ... Views: 953
“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.” John Gray penned this phrase many years ago to help men and women communicate more effectively. Since this book was written, it has been determined that both genders not only communicate differently, they also buy differently too. Learning how to ... Views: 894
One of the biggest challenges in selling professional services is that what you are offering is intangible. Your product can't be seen, touched, or tasted. Until your prospective clients experience what you do, they have no way of knowing if it will turn out, whether they will like it, and how ... Views: 1237
While most marketers are beginning to understand the critical importance of maximizing conversion rates, few are tracking or working to maximize another critical measurement of website effectiveness.
Visitor value…
Visitor value is simply a representation of how much money you make per visitor ... Views: 914
Whether you realize it or not, if you've been on the Internet today, you have encountered affiliate marketing. If you have ever “clicked thru” one site to order something from another, the first site probably received a portion of the sale. For instance, independent booksellers have limited ... Views: 1060
My kids taught me a lot about marketing communication when they were teenagers. My son had me playing 20 questions. When I asked what he'd done at school or out with his friends the night before, I'd get one of two classic teenage responses; "Stuff" or "Nothing". I'd have to pepper him with ... Views: 953
You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising to build an effective campaign. In fact, you can get great publicity that will drive customers to do your door absolutely free of charge!
One of the best ways to do this is to attract press coverage. You don't have to pay for ... Views: 1241
Buying foreclosures can be extremely profitable for real estate investors. However, most of these homeowners are mortgaged to the hilt. They have no equity, and big loan payments. In fact, many actually owe more than the property is worth!
Most investors will walk away from these deals ... Views: 820
Buying foreclosures can be extremely profitable for real estate investors. However, most of these homeowners are mortgaged to the hilt. They have no equity, and big loan payments. In fact, many actually owe more than the property is worth!
Most investors will walk away from these deals ... Views: 1126
You know the old joke:
"How do you make a million in the stock market? Start with two million?"
There is no way around it, risk and stock market fees are a part of trading that you can`t avoid. But, you can manage your risk. You can also manage the brokerage stock trading fees that eat away at ... Views: 1316
If you’re active in real estate investing, you may already realize one of the biggest issues real estate investors face: Finding Great Deals.
Foreclosures at a 52-year High
With foreclosures at a 52-year high, there are thousands of deals available on the market, if you know where to find ... Views: 1061
It is commonly believed myth that personality testing instruments can measure your personality and predict your future behaviors. The pre-employment testing mechanism has been following this creed without any solid evidence. The testing industry claims all out validity. The educational ... Views: 836
1 "Bookmark This Web Site Now" Tell your visitors tobookmark your web site. They may see your web sitelisted in their bookmarks and visit again. You shouldalso give then a good reason to bookmark your site.For example tell them you add new content everyday.Wording: Just press “ctrl + D” to ... Views: 1363
According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) email scams also known as phishing attacks claim more than 2,000 victims each day from more than 75 million phishing emails that are sent each day. The APWG also claims that these email scams steal close to $1 billion a year from its victims. ... Views: 872
Everyone’s big on emotional intelligence now, because we’ve learned the hard way that a person’s people skills can make or break them in the workplace. If the person is highly exceptional in their field, it can be a close call, but all things being equal, we prefer to work and socialize with ... Views: 1791