If you feel entrapped in a controlling relationship, if you are confused, embarrassed and angry…
Maybe you wonder what’s wrong with you. Deep inside, you truly think something is…
If you do lots of things just to avoid being ashamed and feeling guilty:
- Maybe nothing is wrong with you!
- Maybe you are stuck in a Manipulative Relationship.
You might be desperate and think you have to be fixed. At least your partner said so…
Emotional Manipulation is an unfair communication process in which one of the partners gets the other one doing what s/he doesn’t want to by inducing guilt, shame and anxiety. On the surface everything seems to be fine, even loving and caring. However, hidden below the surface the manipulator imposes those negative feelings in order to control the other’s actions.
Once in a while every one of us inadvertently falls in the destructive trap. In some cases, there are couples for whom this is the long term pattern. In these situations, those destructive feelings undermine Self-Esteem and confidence. The controlled partner feels powerless, helpless and hopeless.
There is help and hope available!
We cannot change the manipulator, but we can change our reaction to the manipulation and that changes the entire process.
Simple, quick help:
Reveal and Override Emotional Manipulation
Online Training
Licenced Mental Health Counselor WA
Private Practice
Ph.D ABD in Ethology
University of Eötvös Lóránt, Budapest
Communication between Blinds and thier guide Dog
MA in Psychology
University of Eötvös Lóránt, Budapest
Supervisor for Social Workers
Family Centrum IX District Budapest
C.G.Jung Theoretical Seminar
Hungarian Complex Psychotherapy Association
Volunteer Field Study Kenya
Daily Activity Pattern of Waterbuck
St Rókus Hospital Budapest
"Drog Stop"
Telephone Counselor
Educator, Foster Home
Budapest, Hungary
BA Music Teacher
Pécs, Hungary
E-book for Understanding and Solving Relationship Problems
Carefully designed to complement the analytic left hemisphere working mode, the holistic right hemisphere working mode with practical guidance about communication.
"When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate." - C.G. Jung
"Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health." - C.G. Jung
"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses." - C.G. Jung
"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity." - C.G. Jung
"Where love rules, there is no will to power; where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." - C.G. Jung
"Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering." - C.G. Jung
"There is no coming to consciousness without pain." - C.G. Jung
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Please look around in my Websites http://SoundSoulCounseling.com. If you like what you found there, don't be shy to contact me either by phone, or by Email. Tele-therapy is possible through HIPPAA compliant video services.