Victoria "Tori" Fiore is a Certified Easy Tai Chi Instructor and Guided Meditation Facilitator. She has taught Tai Chi and Qigong at Scottsdale Community College, the Franciscan Renewal Center, Phoenix City Hall Wellness Program, Thunderbird-Samaritan Banner Hospital, and various adult communities and fitness centers.
Since so many people she meets are having sleeping problems, Tori produced two Healing Meditation CDs from the meditations she has shared at classes and retreats since the 1980's. They can be found on her website:
As well, Tori and her husband, Don, have produced six DVDs. The current DVD, "Easy Tai Chi - Qigong," is for people of all ages and especially for seniors and people with Parkinson and other physical challenges. A Spanish version of this DVD is now available and endorsed by Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center of Phoenix, AZ.
Tori has also facilitated A Course In Miracle groups and has designed programs for women's retreats.
Tori's latest venture is filming and editing pieces for her informational website: Learn about the healing properties of Lavender and enjoy Healthy Recipes under "Tips" on this website.
For Tai Chi and Qigong DVDs and Tori's books, go to:
Contact her at:
EASY TAI CHI - QIGONG Teacher Training:
There are so many adult communities, healthcare facilities, and fitness centers that are looking for easy movements to help people with daily exercise or to help one recover from stress or illness.
People who live in the Phoenix area have been joining our Teacher Training with Certificates. Those who live far away have been learning the gentle Easy movements from our "Easy TaiChi-Qigong" DVD and then teaching a class or watching and participating with a group.
Each moment you are creating your experience by the way you are interpreting what is happening. Choose to focus on what you are gaining, rather than what you are losing. Life is here to support you. Looking at life through this perspective is the beginning of freedom.
I love Byron Katie's words: "Argue with reality or WHAT IS...and you will suffer...only 100% of the time."
And from Lao Tzu: "If you don't change your direction, you might end up where you are heading."