I am an Animal Communicator, Reiki Master & Spiritual Advisor specializing in Online Animal Communication Courses. I teach intuitive, telepathic and psychic communication with animals and nature in an online teaching and learning community. At the core of all things is an elegant simplicity. It is my gift to see and understand that simplicity and pass it on to others.
I am not highly trained in any tradition whatsoever. Nor have I earned any degrees in anything at all. Whatever I have to offer comes to me by way of grace. I have had a lot of metaphysical experiences all my life, the first major life enhancing one, that I can recall, at age 4. I didn't study to get that experience nor any since then. They were given.
I have explored a lot of interesting information, about the way things are through books, and I have studied various disciplines, from the violin to Buddhism with some amazing teachers. I have paid little to no attention to most of what any had to say. I have only ever listened to heart speak. Some things I have stumbled across in my journey have resonated in that chamber. Most not.
I have no preconceptions about the way things are. What seems to me to be truth one day may pass like the wind through the trees and disappear the next. I have nothing at all to recommend me but the energy which creates worlds flowing through me. Without clients and friends and students for that energy to flow to, I haven't even that. Fortunately there are those who find they are able to use me to help nudge them to their own hearts desire. It is a nice arrangement and I am thankful. All I ask is -- more.
If I can talk with an Iguana and find myself feeling respect, compassion and love, I can talk with any human and find something there that I have respect, compassion and love for. That, to me, is the real miracle and the ultimate goal.
It has always bewildered me that even though it is always said that God is omnipresent, we can still insist that “He” is elsewhere. How can omnipresence exclude you and me?
We ARE one and we love each other deeply and unconditionally. We ARE the body of what we in the west generally refer to as God. Dogs understand this. It is why we love dogs.
You can visit www.scottfree2b.com and find all of my offerings and/or
Join me in "Breathing" www.scottfree2b.wordpress.com my blog where I just let everything that catches my fancy run amok.