Tina Rayner, CEO of Rise TO Shine Coaching (www.tinarayner.com), is an empath and light worker whose purpose is to serve Gaia’s ascension through teaching Divine Love. Residing in the beautiful White Rock, BC, Canada area, she comes from a background of over 25 years of teaching experience–both nationally and internationally. She is an illuminating, “True Power” speaker, writer, intuitive coach and Kundalini Yoga teacher. Her living legacy is to be her True Power: BE-ing Divine Love expressing as Divine Joy and ONEness. Teaching others how to live this way is what the work of Rise TO Shine Coaching is all about.
For MORE from Tina, check out her blog answering life's BIGGEST questions from the HIGHEST perspectives at www.whyareweonearth.com!
Also check her out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/RiseToShineCoaching, Instagram: www.instagram.com/tina.rayner and on Twitter: www.twitter.com/tinarayner