Tim’sTV appearances include appearances on NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS and Lifetime. Radio appearances include A Balanced Lifewith Beth Aldrich, A Fresh Start with Sallie Felton, Marriage 101 with Starrand Bob Calo-oy, Journey of Life Radio with Joseph LoBrutto III, Life InsightFrom Experts (L.I.F.E.) with Shelley Costello and Internet Radio Interview onSoundAuthors.com.
RenownedWall Street analyst Tim Kellis takes on what could be considered society’sbiggest problem today, divorce. The journey that led to him tackling such asignificant issue was both personal and professional. After a successful careerthat eventually landed him on Wall Street Tim met what he thought was the girlof his dreams, only to see that relationship end with bitterness and anger. Thejourney included work with a marital therapist, and after he discovered thetherapist wasn’t really helping decided to tackle the issue himself.
Ambition and a strong aptitude formath helped lead Kellis to discover how to make relationships work. His mathskills led directly to an engineering degree, nine years in thetelecommunications industry, an MBA in finance, and finally on to Wall Street,where he became the very first semiconductor analyst to focus on thecommunications market.
After publishing a 300-pageinitiation piece entitled InitiatingCoverage of the Semiconductor Industry: Riding the Bandwidth Wave, Kellisbecame a leading semiconductor analyst at one of the biggest firms on WallStreet. The experience he gained as a Wall Street analyst provided an excellentbackdrop for becoming an expert on relationships, and resulted in hisrelationship book entitled “Equality: TheQuest for the Happy Marriage”.
There is no such thing as a failure who keeps trying, coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace