First of all let me just get this out of the way.I have a background in counselling,psychology,and cognitive behavioural therapy. I also have over 10 years experience in the fields of personal development and self improvement.
I am an author and helped develop the 'Change you Mind Change your Body Weight loss course which is available at http://www.easierwayz.com I have also written numerous articles on the subject.
For a number of years my life was not the way I wanted it to be, I suffered from low confidence and I wandered aimlessly through life. The turnng point came when I decided one day that I wanted something different. I didn't know what it was or how I was going to make any changes in my life. The funny thing is that once I had made that decision, life came to my rescue. Ideas seem to be all around me and opportunties seem to fall into my life. Perhaps they had been there all along but I didn't have the capabilities to see them.
The first turning point came from a book, and that book was called 'The Learning Revolution'. I can't quite remember how I came to read that book, but what I do rmember is that I learned about the human brain and all the abilities that we all have. I couldn't believe what I was reading but it all made sense. I found out that we all have the capabilities to virtually do anything that we want. It was as if a door had been opened in my mind, and that door has led to many other doors being opened since. My mind became a sponge, it craved knowledge of a similar nature, and to this day that craving remains strong.
Let me tell you a little story about how life took a hand in my transformation, and to This day I am so thankfull that it did.I had never been out of England before,but many of my friends had been to sunnier climates. Sitting on a beach in some foreign land getting drunk with my friends had never been very appealing to me,I had absolutely no interest in that particular type of holiday. At this time I worked in a dull and manual job which was pretty soul destroying and I took many opportunities to avoid going in.
One day while on a break at work, a friend of mine who worked at the same place and whom I saw on the odd occassion came over just to chew the fat. As it happens he had some magazine, he was just sitting talking to me and flicking through the magazine. After he had finished I asked him if he was done with it, so I could read it on my next break. He left me the magazine and then went back to work. Later in the day while on another break I began flicking through ths magazine. I came to a page where it mentioned the worlds 100 greatest adventure holidays.
Now you must remember that all those years ago these types of holidays were in their infancy,and more to the point I didn't know that these types of holidays existed. There were holidays that ranged from climbing mountains,trekking through deserts,camping in the most wildest places of our planet,walking safari's, and numerous other great adventures.
I still rmember the excitement that ran through my body. It took me back to my childhhood when I would watch movies on the TV about adventure, and how these would enter my imagination. As a child I would wander through jungles, fight enemies in the deserts, dive off waterfalls, shoot evil cowboys, and various other scenarios. However these escapades were actually carried out in my garden.
Right before me on these pages lay adventure. The things I imagined as a child, the thought of going to faraway lands and meeting strange people,and seeing things that had only lived in my mind as a child, excited me beyond measure.
Anyway to cut a long story short I finally decided to do something. I booked a trip and paid a deposit to travel through 5 countries in East Africa on a truck, camping in the wild. I put the deposit down and had 10 months to pay off the rest. When I returned I was a changed person, from never having been anywhere I had on my own travelled to Africa, seen and done things that would have seemed pure fantasy before. I went to school part time and got some qualifications, I continued to travel,I climbed mountains in the French and Swiss Alps, Th Himalayas, returned to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro,and I also tried various things like caving,whitewater rafting,and shark diving to name a few.All because the original trip to Africa had given me the confidence and belief that I needed.
The scariest thing when I look back is how such a small thing could change so much. What I mean is what if I had not been at work that day? What if my friend had decided not to come and see me? What if he had not purchased that magazine? What if I had left that magazine at work before reaching those so important pages? My life may have turned out very different. It's funny how future's can be built on the tiniest of events. This is what I mean about once you take a decision, life can come to your aid.
I hope I didn't bore you too much but I felt that it was a good example of what life can offer when you make a firm decision to change something.
Today I run my own business with my partner Paul Duncan.We are both writers and and run our own website where we sell a downloadable product.Which has exceeded all expectations.At the moment we are working on projects for the future.The aim is to help people to believe and understand how much lies dormant in themselves,and to help them believe that they have all got more than it takes.
Doubt is our single greatest enemy.The funny thing is that whatever you believe, is true.If you believe that you can't do something,then you would be right.If you believe that you can do something then you would also be right.Your life is where it is because of your decisions,if you want your life to be somewhere else,then take different decisions