Although Steve had always had a powerful interest in the mind and its potential he followed a career path in IT, Communications and Marketing, and it wasn’t until 2006 when he attended a course in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that he really began to understand the possibilities.
Having suffered a serious accident at the age of 19 he had lived with chronic pain ever since, however a single EFT session during his training eliminated the pain overnight! From that point on he spent a large amount of his spare time studying, training and working as a complimentary therapist.
In the following years he trained and obtained certitifcations in several therapeutic systems including Matrix Reimprinting, PSYCK-K, and NLP, however in 2014 he discovered PSTEC or Percussive Suggestion and has focused primarily on that system ever since.
In 2014 Steve and his wife Linda, a qualified master Personal Trainer, had the realisation that by combining their individual skills and passions they would be able to offer a unique service where they could help people make huge changes in their life, and set up TheLifeKey, a mind & body fitness business.
You are the captain of your ship, your mind is the crew and your body is the boat. Train the crew well, maintain the boat properly and they will carry you to distant horizons.
If you want to know about me there's a great interview I did for Clare Josa's Dare to Dream Bigger online summit which cover the basics.
You can find it here:
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