Hello, my name is Saffire. I am a clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient. Gifted since the age of 10 years old, it was quite a confusing time for me growing up having visions and forseeing. Being a child and not understanding why others were not having or experiencing the same. I did come to understand however that it was a GOD given gift and that my purpose was to help others whenever possible. So, when I was old enough for people to feel comfortable with me and what I had to offer in ways of Guiding them, they came to me. I have had many career paths as I was trying to seek out what my place was, what I wished to do and although helping others freely, I always felt best and at peace when helping others. So, since 1992 I have been Reading professionally online and offline. I have encountered so many wonderful people from all walks of life and find each so enriching. I remember all my clients even
though I have Read for thousands of people through out this time, as I care greatly about my clients and always hope that the Guidance that has been offered will help them to the fullest potential of outcome, happiness and wellness.