Roy Dickerson is the owner of Total Health Technologies. This is a 22 year old company.
These are the websites to view his product line:
Having been in the swimming pool construction industry for 38 years he has been involved with environmental issues during that time. He has also had a strong interest in physical and mental health over the years. Living in Westlake Village, CA with his wife of 38 years, he has 4 adult children and 7 grandchildren.
He is enjoying this relativly new endeavor immensely as he helps others to improve their physical, spiritual and financial condition around the world. He is involved in working with orphans and widows in Cambodia and other areas in the world, his burning desire is to be able to spend more time in the field and financially support these needs at home and abroad.
Favorite quotes; Givers Gain
Nothing can hold me back but the limits of my own mindset
It is by unleashing your limited thinking that you will be able to rise to your full potential
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
I have an obligation to share this technology with everyone I can reach as I feel that it is essential to the health and well being of every person on the planet. This is a complete health program that anyone can follow if they are willing to duplicate success. Everyone can benefit from what I have to offer if they will look at it with an open mind and be willing to accept 21st century technology.
Roy Dickerson
Total Health Technologies