Ronald E. Hudkins maintains a site titled “Registry Fixing and Registry Repair” that offers articles, guidance, instructions and software for the Windows operating systems needing registry fixing and registry repair. This is a must see source for consumers experiencing problems such as slow Pc performance, blue screen and other Pc optimization problems associated with computer performance. For more information visit
Ronald Hudkins retired honorably from the U.S. Military Police Corps in 1993. He has just completed a mini book listing foundations that provide wish and dream fulfillments for adults faced with terminal illnesses, disabilities/challenges and/or are senior’s on limited incomes. The book also features a massive listing of organizations that provide adults with basic needs and other things. For more information and a free download of his consumer awareness Ebooks visit
ID Theft Articles and Links
To find these articles, links to other resources visit his Blog - Identity Theft Insight and Counter-Measures at
It Really is Time to Worry About Identity Theft!
Overviews the growing threat of criminal activity associated with consumer credit and identity theft. Looks at the weaknesses in individual proactive measures to prevent thefts and recommends a viable hands off solution to avoid being victimized.
Fraud Alerts Combat ID Theft! - Is That Your Final Answer?
Overviews the initial and extended fraud alerts and points out the pros and cons of each when instituted to combat consumer identity alerts. Recommends the consideration of contracting the professional abilities of a credit watch service.
The Young Victims of Identity Theft
Looks at the growing epidemic of identity theft associated with minor children and young adults. Article points out proactive measures to take to avoid identity theft. Provides contact information to credit bureaus to obtain credit histories and directs people to credit services that safeguard identities.
Does a Security Freeze Stop Identity Theft?
The article overviews the options available to consumers to implement a credit freeze. Points out the loopholes that still exist despite the implementation of a credit lock down. Suggests consumers if nothing else, consider a credit protection service.
Tax Season is Bringing Out Identity Thieves
Overviews identity theft tactics such as Spoofing, Phishing and Pretexting as a means to steal identities. Covers means to protect ones identity and recommends review of free annual credit reports and the services of a proactive identity theft protection service.
The Problem With Protecting Your Identity
Overviews the availability of an individuals personal information as a result of human failure, security breaches, greed or ignorance of available laws to protect consumer information. The author suggests implementing additional safeguards to avoid identity theft.
How Thieves Steal Identities LegallyOverviews how thieves can easily obtain Social Security numbers, dates of birth, full names and other data from public records for subsequent use in identity theft crimes. Identity Theft is Real and You Need to Be Concerned
Overviews what a Credit Freeze or Fraud Alerts do and don’t do to avoid identity theft. Explains what identity thieves can do with a stolen identity. Suggests alternatives to proactive measures to protect against identity theft.
Registry Fixing and Registry Software Reviews
Registry Winner
RegistryWinner is an advanced multi-language registry fixing software in pc diagnosis and repair. As an excellent registry cleaner this registry fixing software can do a complete scan of the pc errors such as system slowdown, freezing, crashing and deadlock. Safely optimize the speed of the system and set your PC to optimal performance! To read product review visit
Registry Easy
RegistryEasy™ is an excellent Windows Registry Cleaner that scans your PC and safely cleans errors & invalid entries that cause system slowdowns, freezing and crashing. Registry Easy™ registry fixing software repairs registry problems to make your computer run like new again! To read product review visit
Error Fix
ErrorFix is certified to work on every Microsoft product and third-party applications. Offering one-click Registry analysis and Repair, ErrorFix is the premier tool for making your computer run like it's supposed to. To read product review visit
Registry Fix
Registry Fix will scan your system registry and hard drive for invalid file and system references. These invalid references may cause system instability, PC errors, constant crashes, and general system slowdowns. To read product review visit
Ronald Hudkins is an advocate for consumer awareness. He has noted that more than 70% of the American public fails to make appropriate estate plans prior to death or incapacitation and as such; authored an Ebook “Asset Protection and Estate Planning for All Ages” It is available for free download at Articles Relative to the book's content are as follows;
Estate Planning Article Links and Summary
Offshore Trust - Effective Estate Planning, You Decide
An over view of offshore trusts as part of viable estate planning and the fear that keeps many clients and attorneys from knowing more about how to use them effectively. The creation of offshore trusts and other financial plans is a way of shielding your assets from the laws of the nation in which you reside.
Estate Planning - Rules and Trustees
Reviews problems associated with forming a trust such as deciding the powers which the trustee(s) have and do not have relative to the assets placed into a trust. If you are wisely attempting to put some assets into a trust (inter vivos) in your lifetime, then you have been paying attention to the important differences between wills and trusts.
Legality of Offshore Investments
Having an offshore banking account, corporation or trust are common themes in legal thrillers, spy novels and eastern European politics. There is a reason to be concerned about the legality of such accounts, for although many people would like to include them in their estate planning, a legal misstep regarding the use of any of these asset management tools could result in thousands of dollars lost in back tax payments and legal problems with none other than the IRS in addition to the possibility of spending time in prison. With that in mind, it is not surprising that many Americans ...
Estate Planning - You're Never Too Young
Young people just starting out in life may think that estate planning is not a high priority. However, according to a leading expert in the field, it's never too early to consider how vital this step is to prudent financial planning. When just starting out, perhaps there are more worries about the immediate needs.
Estate Planning - Protecting Your Assets From the State
Over views the U.S. Government's ability to seize your assets to pay for long term health care. Encourages proper estate planning to avoid personal property losses.
Estate Planning - The Realities of Probate, II
Over views the probate process and weighs the financial differences to be considered for the cost of probate verses administration fees associated with a living trust. The idea of having your will or estate go through "probate" conjures up visions of money that should have gone to your heirs being peeled off and divided up for the state's administrative services in seeing to your last wishes.
Estate Planning - The Life Estate
Over views why the life estate is falling out of use but why it is still relevant for an estate planner. The life estate is something every first year law student learns about when they study the arcane and often bizarre history of property law that harkens back to the days of English knights, lords and serfs, and the transfer of property through the ceremonial throwing of dirt clods with oaths of duty to accompany.
Over views how the living will establishes your wishes as to what happens to you should you become terminally ill or permanently incapacitated. A living will is not about who inherits your stocks and bonds when you die and it doesn't designate who gets the family home or your mother's jewelry.
A will is a document in which a person declares what they want done with their property at the time of death. This is an overview of common misconceptions about a last will and testament.
Estate Planning - Changing a Will
Over views the legal complications that could result in changing a last will and testament without doing so by not using an express change statement. "I am taking you out of the will, or "I am going to disinherit Gregory and leave all my money to Steven," are statements that seem far more like they belong in an Agatha Christie novel than in a serious discussion of estate planning.
Estate Planning - No Contest Clause in Your Will
Over views the consideration of putting a no contest clause into one's will if they feel the will is going to be heavily contested. Additionally, advises how courts react to such a clause and suggests an alternative consideration.
Estate Planning - Protecting Your Will's Integrity
Over views modern day techniques (evidence) one can present to the courts that uphold the decisions the testator dictates in their written last will and testament. In the not overly distant past, the writings of the testator were the only evidence of his or her intentions and mental capacity.
Estate Planning - Capacity Challenges
Over views the elements of capacity used to contest the legality of a will. Looks at mental deficiency, insane delusion and mental derangement characteristics that have been used to invalidate a will.
Estate Planning - Undue Influence
Over views common means of contesting a will such as undue influence, lack of capacity, psychological domination and/or degenerated mental state. Often during the final years of a dear friend's or relative's life some person or persons will take over the task of caring for their sick and elderly friend or relative to a greater degree than the other people in their lives.
Intestacy - Passing Without Estate Planning - What Happens?
If a person passes on without estate planning of any kind, whether that planning is some kind of will or trust, they are said to have died intestate. Intestate law is the law that decides how assets are transferred and creditors satisfied if a person passes on without saying who gets the house, the car or the guarded family apple pie recipe. Intestacy law is a set of fall back provisions or rules that govern where the assets go, so that the state does not have to decide in each individual case what happens.
Estate Planning - Real Property Disbursement Problems
Many parents want to give an equal share of the family home or some other sentimental form of real property (actual land usually) to their surviving children in equal shares. As an estate-planning attorney, one often sees the strange problems created by such plans. In particular if there are an even number of children, this may create hardships as voting blocks of family members eventually have to resolve votes that are evenly split in court or at least face the hardship of that choice among their siblings.
Estate Planning - Protecting Your Spouse
Over views advance protection measures one takes to protect their spouse when doing estate planning above and beyond joint tenancy laws. The first question many people have when considering estate planning is how to protect their spouse in the event that they pass away.
The Revocability Or Irrevocability of a Trust
Over views circumstances that could make a revocable trust irrevocable. A trust is formed when a person or business (legally referred to as the settlor) puts property into the control of another (person or business), usually called the trustee, for the benefit of a person or group called the beneficiaries.
Choosing an Estate Planning Attorney
Over views the process of choosing an estate planning attorney. Provides web sources for finding estate attorneys.
Selecting an Advantageous Trusts and Estate Lawyer
Briefly describes how to find the right attorney to handle trusts and estate planning. Trust and Estates is a rapidly growing area of practice in the law that includes estate planning, managing your estate during life and disposing of your estate at your death through the use of trusts, wills and other planning documents.
Estate Planning Isn't All About Lawyers
Looks at the schooled professionals one might hire when considering an estate planning team to review their estate and protect assets. Provides insights one should think about if considering the use of prefab software packages and forms.
Estate Planning - Considering a Second Marriage Late in Life
Over views estate considerations that should be accommodated as widows and widowers (with their longer life spans) increasingly meet and decide upon a second marriage. Addresses for consideration a set of unique legal questions that those getting remarried, do not often think through.
Estate Planning - Intent to Disinherit Or Oversight?
Over views incomplete estate planning and some laws that are in place to remedy the situation of overlooked heirs as opposed to those specifically disinherited. Sometimes family and estate planning begins before the family is complete, particularly in an age where people (generally) are waiting until later to have children.
Estate Planning - What About Life Insurance?
Over views whole life and term life insurance policies by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each policy type as part of an estate plan consideration. Not too many years ago life insurance was considered to be the indispensable platform upon which all other estate planning efforts should be based.
Over views questions surrounding intangible digital assets as a relative consideration to ones estate planning needs. Every state has statutes and mechanisms in place that deal with disposal of tangible assets whether the deceased had a will or not.
Over views the Roth IRA and the Individual Retirement Account options and how taxes factor into ones estate planning and retirement considerations. An IRA is an IRA, unless it's a Roth IRA.
Estate Planning - Protecting Your Furred Friend
The whole concept of estate planning has a couple of primary aims: 1) making sure that your assets are distributed where and how you want them to be, and 2) ensuring that your loved ones are cared for and able to comfortably live out their lives after you are gone. If you consider your pets as part of your property, to whom do you leave them - and the obvious answer is to someone who won't immediately haul them to the nearest shelter and drop them off. Providing for your beloved pets may be more complicated than ...
Estate Planning - The Mortgage - To Pay Or Not to Pay
Over views the advantages and/or disadvantages of paying off a property loan in the modern day. Where does your home mortgage fit into your financial planning and particularly into your estate planning?
Estate Planning - Gender Issues Meet Social Security
Over views pay disparity within the Social Security Pension Plan between the male and female workforce within the United States. Highlights some of the causes of the disproportionate retirement allowances.
Estate Planning - Estate Taxes
Over views estate tax that is assessed on property upon the time of one's death based upon fair market values once an estate exceeds a specific taxable income. Estate tax, or the death tax as it is sometimes referred to, is an issue often bandied about at election time.
Durable Power of Attorney - "Scope of the Agency"
Overviews the durable power of attorney which allows an agent to act on asset matters should a principle be alive yet unconscious for an extended period of time. A durable power of attorney is given by a person to another person to act in their place given a specific set of circumstances or activating condition.
Once acquainted with Ronald Hudkins you will quickly realize his association with consumer awareness in a multitude of areas. Understanding time management, cost savings, identity protection, price comparisons efficiency and the benefits of modern Electronic Shopping, he has written some highly interesting articles that assist in making Internet Shopping much more interesting, safe and problem free. You’ll find Internet Shopping Tip articles such as the following on his Blog at
As online shopping becomes more popular it is important to exercise safety precautions to make this new American pastime rewarding, problem free and our efforts to save both time and money an excursion we will surly duplicate over and over again with confidence.
Online Shopping - Sharing Your Finds With Friends
A unique way to find, share and track you Internet shopping experience with friends using virtual bookmarks. This program allows friends and other shoppers the ultimate best way to go shopping together when you can't meet up in a brick and mortar location.
Online Shopping - The Electronic Gift Solution
An electronic gift solution is a great resource for the person who seems to have everything, for business gifts, when you are clueless as to what a person would truly want or you don't want to hang yourself by sending the wrong size, color or whatnot. The process is for the last minute online shopper that needs an immediate course of action.
Online Shopping - Even Safer With Visa Verified Accounts
Verified by Visa is a new system that uses an additional password set by the consumer- free of charge - to protect them from card unauthorized use when making Internet purchases. The program is an additional layer of security using technology designed to reduce merchant chargeback fraud significantly.
Online Shopping - Price Comparisons Don't Have to be Complicated
Online comparison shopping services are available for consumers to get the best possible price on any given product or service listed on the web by both brick and mortar and e-commerce retailers. They also list the latest discounts, sales and coupons available to assist in making a complete and informed decision about your purchase.
Online Shopping Security - How About a Virtual Credit Card?
Verified by Visa is a new system that uses an additional password set by the consumer- free of charge - to protect them from card unauthorized use when making Internet purchases. The program is an additional layer of security using technology designed to reduce merchant chargeback fraud significantly.