Professional entrepreneurs are the backbone of the American economy. Few get the training they need to understand the business side of their profession. Following is a list of some of my experience and why you might find my insights helpful.
As a chiropractor, I have been involved in healthcare for over 30 years. I have presented papers at chiropractic conferences, teach at, and taught seminars for continuing education for my colleagues. I wrote Improving the Odds as a book for a chiropractic seminar.
Politics affects every aspect of our lives. I believe it is important that each of us participates in the process. I am no longer aligned with any political party. I prefer to discuss issues.
I was nearly 40 years old when I bought my first home. I did not really understand the real estate game until I took the course work to become an agent in 2002. I could not believe that I was so ignorant. I wrote From Paint Rags to Riches to help others understand the basics of real estate investing.
Success has been defined as accomplishment of a plan or purpose. Having a plan or purpose assumes that part of you is capable of controlling your life. There is a part of you that is soul/spirit/mind or whatever term you choose to call it that controls your body.
My philosophy and teaching has been influenced by some of the following authors/books (in addition to Christianity).
Be Selfishly Selfless - You will help yourself in direct proportion to helping others.
Two Laws We Must Understand: The Law of Fair Exchange and The Law of Appreciation
The best way to get to know me is to read my articles on this site or my blog.