My office on 967 Spaulding Avenue SE continues to provide a renewing experience for both the people I see in my practice as well as for myself. My office has been referred to as "reflective space" by more than a few people. It is quiet and peaceful with large windows overlooking a wooded area where hawks, deer and a few wild turkeys have been spotted. I am pleased my office helps to create an atmosphere where I can help people consider, explore, understand, and change the burdens of life they carry. I am impressed with the dedication and courage so many show in facing their fears, worries, losses and disappointments. I am also pleased to see a light return to their eyes as they begin to lead more fulfilling lives of their choosing.
My office also provides me quiet time to read and write. I have a new book coming out this summer entitled Theaters of Trauma: Dialogues for Healing. I have also been elected to the Board of Directors and serve on the Executive Committee of the International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education (IFPE). This is the most dynamic, innovative and inclusive organization I know of and I am honored to serve as Co- Chair of the annual conference to be held this November (21-23, 2008) in Boston.
If I might be of service or should you have questions please feel free to call me at (616) 940-1100.
"There are indeed things that cannot be put into words. They make themselves manifest. They are what is mystical."
"Don't turn away.
Keep looking at the bandaged place.
That's where the light enters you."
"The work of psychoanalysis can turn ghosts into ancestors."
-Hans Loewald
My Books:
Power Games: Influence, Persuasion, and
Indoctrination in Psychotherapy Training
Edited by Richard Raubolt, PhD.
Theaters of Trauma: Dialogues for Healing
[To be released Summer of 2008]
Advance Praise:
"Richard Raubolt’s book Theaters of Traumagoes directly to the heart, burning soul, and drama of traumaticexperiences. The images created by his penetrating prose willcaptivate and mesmerize the reader. This book is a special gift toeveryone: people curious about trauma and its treatment by a masterclinician; therapists who want to learn more about their work; andsurvivors who are struggling to break free of their chains. Thank you,Richard, for opening this intimate experience to all of us, and forsharing your empathy and compassion for your patients."
-Stuart D. Perlman, Ph.D.
Author of The Therapist’s Emotional Survival
Training and supervising analyst, Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis