Ms. Reema Bhatia enjoys a stellar academic background as well as a fascinating career in diet & nutrition research [Integrative Medical Specialist, world-class professional author. Former Professor, and senior consultant for Health. Analytical Chemist, Toxicologist, Microbiologist, Nutritionist & dietician]
She has published articles on healthcare, beauty care, sports fitness equipment, skin care & baby care . Find out how Ms. Reema Bhatia’s dynamic, cutting edge research to Cardiovascular and dietary and Nutrition supplements alongwith other healthcare and personal care products at India's largest Online shopping store: DietKart
There are also many easy to read health articles and information which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER on dietkart's official blog. If you would like to receive weekly health and fitness updates on the top news in the industry including dietary consultation on dietplans, recipes and healthy diet analysis tools & solutions head over to DietKart.
My approach to vegetarianism – eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, try to include fish and eggs and some dairy (if your conscience will allow), eat lots of nuts and good fats such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and normal butter.
My advice – do not become a full out vegan, its hard work and you will struggle in the long run.It is absolutely essential that you get the important nutrients (proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats) you would normally get from meat from other food sources.
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