The sessions are done by phone, and usually last two hours.
In sessions I
tend to focus on helping you to reactivate the power of your physical
body to bring about spiritual awakening, peace, and ENDLESS JOY!
My Goal for Our Spiritual Counseling Session:
My only goal is to help you achieve your goals for your life and your body.
Spiritual Counseling Session can be a one-time event or the beginning
of an ongoing relationship with me that enables you to empower yourself
more and more in your body, so that you can achieve your chosen goals!
Body Activations Can Help You Achieve ALL your goals:
The body
activation techniques I wish to share with you can help you no matter
where you are in your evolutionary journey toward greater joy, beauty,
and physical health!
Whatever your
goals are, the physical body holds the keys to success and greater and
greater joy of being alive! The body IS joy, and through these body
activations you increase your blood flow and reawaken your divine
machine of joy!
I have found
that by focusing on feeling the different bodily organs, you can
activate the spiritual powers of your body, as well as assisting in
physical healing. So part of the work we do can be focused on using
these body activation techniques to help reawaken your body’s infinite
imbalances are technologically solvable using the power of the body,
for all imbalances are maintained in the body. Once your body is healed
in every dimension of the imbalance, then the imbalance is gone
If you are
feeling simply that you want to increase your joy of living, your joy
in your body, or your physical beauty, the technology of the body can
be properly utilized to assist you in your evolutionary journey as deep
into joy and physical beauty as you want to go!
The body is
divine technology, and if you know the technology of the body you can
heal yourself and advance your evolution to ever greater heights of
My Role is to Help You Help Yourself:
Spiritual Counseling Sessions are all about YOU. You are in control,
you are in charge, and I feel it is my role to help you help yourself.
At no time am I the one healing you, I am simply assisting your
multidimensional bodies and your conscious mind so that YOU can heal
My goal for
the Spiritual Counseling Sessions is that afterward you will have the
body activation techniques that will assist you the most given your
present experience of life. You will be given simple techniques that
you can than practice ON YOUR OWN so that you are in charge of your
healing process as well as your body’s evolutionary journey.
It is my
ardent wish that you will be able to HEAL YOURSELF and EVOLVE YOURSELF
and bring your experience of life to ever greater heights of joy! Ever
new joy!
My World Mission
Dear Great Beings,
When I was born into this world I knew I had a mission, a world mission, where I would be very much in the public eye!
My World Mission is as a guide to help people reconnect to their
bodies and activate the spiritual powers of their being for greater joy
and physical beauty.
My World Mission is to help people to reclaim their power in their life so they can achieve their life-long goals.
My World Mission is to help the whole world to rise to higher states of consciousness.
Ultimately, my World Mission is to awaken people to their highest
potential as Infinite beings, and help them to heal themselves and the
It is also part of my World Mission to help adults adapt to the
Light children, the indigo and crystal children, so that the children
can flourish in their role to anchor light to the planet.
I have been working on all these objectives behind the scenes for many years, but NOW I WANT TO LAUNCH MY PUBLIC MISSION.
I have spent every spare moment:
- in helping the light children energetically,
- in analyzing the state of humanity in order to better help them,
- and in support the planet as she endures her current levels of abuse due to modern technology.
It is part of my World Mission to help the whole world to join me in
fulfilling Prime Creator’s goals for this world, which include:
- the absolute joyful awakening of every person in the world,
- the beautification of each person’s body and the planetary body,
- the restoration of right government,
- the restoration of a proper, loving social structure,
- the transformation of the current burdensome money system,
- and the return of Self-sovereignty to every individual on the planet.
My Role as a Spiritual Guide
I feel it is my role as a spiritual guide to help people attune to
their purpose in life, and find their way in daily life so that they
feel joyful and also become more and more physically beautiful!
I can help guide you toward whatever your goals are, while assisting
you in re-integrating with your body and feeling more and more
beautiful every day!
Helping You to Become Who You Want to Be
Ultimately, as a Spiritual Guide, my role is to help you become true to yourself, and be who you want to be.
And in this process, I will be helping you to attune to the flows of
change on the planet as Prime Creator and all awakened beings strive to
bring this earth back to its natural state of Beauty and Joy!