Psychotherapist and Certified EFT Practitioner
Emotional Trauma Expert
Masters in Psychology
Accredited Master Trainer with EFT International
"It is the mind that maketh good or ill ,
That maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor."
- Edmund Spenser
Keeping oneself psychologically fit is one of the biggest achivements that one can have. Everyone has been through many disturbing events in life; rising above them and getting past them is important. EFT is the simplest and most effective way of doing so. EFT works wonders with physical symptoms as well.
One can achieve personal peace in life only when one lets go of the negative events and the self limiting beliefs associated with it.
I am a Counseling Psychologist and Certified EFT Practitioner.
Having been a student of psychology for 8 years (high school, B.A, M.A), I am very passionate about psychology. I have an avid interest in Neuropsychology, NLP, Energy Psychology and Psychology in general. I have been doing research on Energy psychology since 2004, after discovering EFT. I did my EFT-CC and EFT- ADV in 2004 and recently I completed the EFT CERT I official certification from Gary Craig's EFT foundation.[2009] I am also a certified EFT intermediate Practitioner and an AAMET certified EFT Level 2 Practitioner.
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