"The Shift of the Ages through 2012 and Beyond: The Biggest Change Challenge of Our Time (ISBN 1463609272) by Peter Christian anticipates the fulfillment of ancient Mayan prophecy that could lead toward an eventual transition into a new world age beyond 2012.
2012 and beyond marks a pivotal time of transition for the world and humanity. The Mayan prophecy is right on time with consequences in the form of numerous changes for mankind, such as the climate, social, economic, environmental and other upheavals we are experiencing now.
With this in mind, the Shift of the Ages is bound to awaken human consciousness in order to tackle the present and upcoming changes. We need to get our heads out of the ground and educate our minds about what is really going on.
The 2012 shift phenoment is very real, although perhaps not what most people think.
According to historical, scientific and other sources the shift of a cosmic and planetary time cycle is something major and will rock the status quo. Although it does not mean the end of the world, this transition towards a new time or age for the world and humanity is bound to make its mark. We have the potential to not only survive, but use this time to thrive and build a future that works for all of us if we can understand and work with the true meaning of the Mayan Prophecy.
"The 2012 Shift is going to shake things up or provide a wake up call for humanity because we cannot continue living in the rational-material, mindless ways, we have in the past. Many people are now awakening also to this fact during the economic recession and a consciousness and paradigm shift is under way".
The Shift of the Ages through 2012 & Beyond - the Biggest Change Challenge of Our Time is available for sale online from Amazon.com and other channels. Also as a downloadable e-book. To read more go to:
Do you sometimes wonder what is really going on? The companion guide book to the 2012 era is here:
THE SHIFT OF THE AGES THROUGH 2012 AND BEYOND Authored by Peter Christian
The Shift of the Ages around 2012 marks a pivotal time of transition for our world and humanity. According to ancient Mayan prophecy it is the change of a cosmic-Sun-Earth cycle, which affects the whole planet as we move from one world age to another. This companion guide book for our time explains what this crossroads is really about by bridging scientific research on the Mayan Calendar with metaphysical insights about the road ahead to the new Earth. Are you ready?
Paperback is available by clicking here: