Dr. Paulo Amino is MD by Profession and has expert knowledge on men's sexual issues, exclusively premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Dr. Paulo's famous 25 methods are natural and ultimate cure for premature ejaculation. He is also an authority on female sexual response. His research on new dimensions of female sexuality and awareness earned him world wide recognition. His thesis on hidden angles of "Male Female Sexual Congress" was published in world’s leading health journals.
He asserts that men can maintain their sexual vigor till 100 years of age by simply having nutritious diet and using some harmless herbs. He believes and proves that loss of male libido is mainly due to lack of sexual awareness and consumption of wrong foods. He vehemently opposes use of drugs to boost sexual performance. His opposition of use of Viagra was telecasted and quoted by all major TV channels and magazines in USA and around the world. He proves that very common and entirely harmless herbs and foods can have more powerful aphrodisiac results than Viagra and Cialis.
"Your success in life starts from your success on bed"
"Hell does not have as much fury as has a woman whose male ejaculates before she wants him to ejaculate!"
"Heaven does not have those pleasures, which she feels like unleashing on him who ejaculates after she asks him to ejaculate!"
What Is Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation occurs when a man has an orgasm sooner during intercourse than he or his partner wishes.
Causes Of Premature Ejaculation!
1- One of the main causes of premature ejaculation is masturbation in wrong manner. The main aim of masturbation is to jerk out the sperm as soon as possible so that you could feel intense tingling pleasure at the base of your penis to release the sexual tension.
This practice for long time does condition your sexual response as that of a premature ejaculator.
2- The other cause for premature ejaculation is nature itself. Naturally every male is premature ejaculator. Haven’t you seen horses, loins and oxens etc. while making sex? Even the healthiest Animal ejaculates within few minutes. Same is true with us -----------human males. Nature wants us to spill sperms as soon as possible so that it could start making our successor human beings. However if we humans will keep on following faulty nature, we may ruin our lives.
3- You can ejaculate prematurely if you get overwhelmed by sexual feelings and extreme wave of sexual arousal. Usually, young men get too much excited because extreme sexual energy and artlessness to control imposing urge to ejaculate. If ejaculation keeps on repeatedly occurring in this fashion, it becomes hardened response of your body and brain.
4- “Not-good-first-sexual-experience" may lead to premature ejaculation. First sexual encounter has to be very pleasant, sustained and prolonged; otherwise possibility of your becoming remains pretty high. Your body and brain can start similar response all of your next sexual encounters as was in your first encounter. That is why masters always recommend that your first sexual experience should not be with any whore or hooker. She may make you come quicker and can pass a nasty comment on your sexual weakness that may leave very adverse effects on your sexual life to come.
5- If the head of your penis (glans) becomes sensitive, you may ejaculate prematurely.
6- Sexual artlessness is another cause of premature ejaculation.
7- Vaginal tightness is also one the causes of premature ejaculation.
8- Hypersensitivity.
9- Alcoholism.
10- Anxiety
Possible Complications Of Premature Ejaculation
There could be lots of complications because of premature ejaculation for both male and female partner. A healthy and emotional relationship may strain and finally end up on break up. Apparently premature ejaculation is not very tlife threatening sydrome but its complications could be very harsh and severe for both partners. Premature ejaculation may reduce chances of pregmancy to minimum for couple and may frustate their relationship in to strain and stress.
Complictions of prmeature ejaculation for male partner:-
1) The biggest bad effect of premature ejaculation on a male is loss of self-confidence, self-esteem and ultimately becomes patient of temporary sexual dysfunction.
2) A premature ejaculator resorts to temporary relives and thus ends up aggravating his problem.
3) He remains worried, sullen, broken and aloof.
4) He avoids sexual contacts with females.
5)If he already has a partner, he ends up in breaking harmony with his female.
Complications of prmeature ejaculation for female partner:-
A female partner of a premature ejaculator does not get full sexual satisfaction so she becomes patient of different emotional and physical disorders.
1) When a man ejaculates on regular basis before his partner has achieved sexual satisfaction, she feels ditched and betrayed.
2) She remains dull and down and depressed. Later on she may become patient of hysteria.
3) She becomes quarrelsome and makes issues of small things. She is no more a forgiving woman.
4) She starts avoiding sex because she knows that she will again be left in the middle.
5) She destroys harmony with her male and becomes non-serious about the relationship
Medically Disapproved Methods And Techniques To Delay Premature Ejaculation
Well, there are lots of "self-proclaimed" cures available in market but almost all of these systems are of temporary relief only. However these products are unnatural ways of controlling premature ejaculation and have galore of side effects. Some of these methods are:-
Ø Ejaculation Control Pills and capsules.
Ejaculation control pills and capsules are "one-night" relief for premature ejaculation and do not cure the problem at all. The worst part is that these premature ejaculation pills and capsules are injurious to health. These pills and capsules have "brain-numbing" ingredients and the outcome is that you don't enjoy true pleasure of making sex because major part of your brain remains sleepy.
Ultimately you become addict of these pills. You will not feel confident without swallowing these pills or capsules. At this point you will feel that half of your memory is gone and your erection has become weak. This is red signal for you; you must stop swallowing pills at this point otherwise your sexual system will turn in to total wreck.
Ø Desensitizing oils and creams.
Desensitizing oils and creams are not different from ejaculation control pills as far as their side effects are concerned. These creams desensitize penis and thus help you last little longer than usual. But again you will not enjoy the sublime pleasure of sex. How can you when your main organ is desensitized? What is point of making sex when you can't enjoy it.
After effects of long term usage of desensitizing products are equal to those of pills and capsules. Frequent usage of desensitizing creams ultimately brings total impotence.
Ø Useless methods
There are lots of useless methods popular on internet and suggested by so called sexperts. These methods don't have any results; rather these are weakening and distasteful. Here are few examples of such methods.
Masturbation before sex.
Many a sexperts suggest masturbating before making sex. What a crap! Your semen is vital fluid and you will be wasting it for nothing! It is a weakening activity and ultimately brings impotence. Don't buy this advice.
Mind distraction.
Some experts advice to think of any gruesome scene in your mind to distract mind while you are making sex. This is totally insane. Sex is pleasure activity and in the middle you are thinking about the gory and grisly scenes. Without sublime pleasures, sex is just boring labor. And will you really last longer by doing all this? Answer is not at all. It will not make any difference.
Advantages of lasting longer.
There are many benefits of lasting longer, few of them are here.
• You will never go impotent and suffer sexual dysfunction. Those who learn to last longer not only enjoy rich pleasures of sex; rather they don’t feel sexually week or down at any stage of life. The reason is simple; long hours of lovemaking fill up reservoirs of energy, so even if some of energy is drained out, yet much remains behind to make you feel sexually energetic and strong.
• You will enjoy for yourself pleasure of penetration for greater length of time. She will like even more.
• You can give your female partner complete sexual fulfillment by taking her as long as she wants, and giving her as many orgasms as she can stand.
• Your relationship with your lover can be inestimably improved and strengthened. She will worship you and you will feel yourself completely exalted like a god of sex!
• You can enjoy an immense physical pleasure, more than you could probably imagine or think of.
• You can become a multi-orgasmic man, having any number of orgasms in a single session of lovemaking that extends over a period of hours, is not it great?
• Each orgasm can last longer and can be more intense than an average ejaculation that lasts for only few seconds. Usually these orgasms are experienced as cool breeze that ripples right through all body rather than being limited to the genital zone only.
• You can maintain best prostate health. Prolonged sex makes prostate healthy like workout makes muscles strong.
• You can make your immune system better for whole body welfare. You will rarely get sick and improve quickly if you do get ill by chance. The reason is that long sessions of lovemaking carry blood and oxygen to every nook and corner of body, thus making every cell healthy and filled with energy.
• You can experience a fantastic increase in your available energy all over your body each day. You will remain in high spirits all the day long; you will not feel languished.
• You will have a great source of creativity. Prolonged sex creates engergy and energy facilitate creativity that you can utilize in literature, science, business, sports and the arts etc.
• You will not remain an ordinary male who lasts only for few minutes; rather you will become an Alpha male who will have bounteous advantage on other males.
• You will always experience great variety of forms of sublime and lofty levels of consciousness.
• You can incorporate a sense of self-confidence, self-control and charisma that you previously may have seen only in Alpha males and vainly wished to have in yourself.
• If any girl who comes in your life had previous boyfriends, she will forget them all and if you were the first in her life, she will not feel happy with anyone else after you.
• High energy levels and elevated self-confidence can get you do wonders.
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