R.T. (RASA), A.P. (BSYA)
Twelve years ago, Pat Bosman left her full time employment as PA to a Financial Director in the corporate world to run her full time practice as a Registered Therapeutic Reflexologist, in Gauteng. Over the last couple of years she has written numerous articles for newspapers, The Citizen, the Beeld, as well as The Caxton Newspaper Group and Internet sites such as Health24 and Woman24. She has been interviewed by ITV television, 702 Radio, SAFM and one of DSTV’s Indian radio audio channels. Pat was Chairperson of the North West Branch of the South African Reflexology Society for five years, was then elected onto the Executive Committee for four years. She has a keen interest in dealing with people who suffer with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, diabetes, intestinal dysfunctions and stress as well as the overall wellbeing of the patient. A couple of years ago she ran a workshop on “Take Time for Living” especially for over-stress and overworked people. She now presents workshops on “Be Successful & Live a Fulfilling Life” which she runs countrywide. at also attends congresses overseas and, in this way, keeps up to date with what is happening around the world. As a lifestyle entrepreneur she has built her own website www.patbosman.com pertaining to What Reflexology can do for you and a depression and anxiety e-course. As a Lifestyle Entrepreneur Pat covers all aspects of a holistic approach to life.
In January 2008 Pat joined the team at The Anxiety and Trauma Clinic in Johannesburg, here she is teamed up with a Psychologist, Child Therapist. Website www.atclinic.co.za.
Pat has started an online health coaching business website http://www.patthehealthcoach.com. She has just completed her first book "Eight Steps to New You" website http://www.newvoices.co.za/bookstore/book_8steps.htm.
Look after your feet when you are young and your feet will look after you when you are old.
Your thoughts create your well being.
Overcoming Depression without drugs
Depression is one of the most debilitating illnesses that affect millions of people worldwide every year. People who have never had depression do not always understand it. It is easy to say, “get over it” or “pull yourself together” when you are in the depression state but it is very difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Some forms of depression do require medication. It is difficult for the family members to cope with and understand how to deal with someone who is suffering with depression and it is also possible to have panic attacks and anxiety that accompany the depression. It can also be because of some of the medication that is given.
Depression affects all forms of our normal life especially in the work situation as well as the home environment. Some of the symptoms are lack of interest, no energy, anger, resentment, discontentment, difficulty getting up in the morning and, most of all, negativity towards everything in life.
The causes of depression can be so varied and can be triggered by the death of a loved one, divorce, fear, retrenchment, financial problems, children leaving home, early retirement, illnesses such as cancer, having been involved in some sort of trauma, work situations that causes stress such as deadlines and targets that have to be met. These are but a few.
Now there is light at the end of the tunnel. Depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be rectified by the use of alternative therapies and without the use of any drugs.
How, you ask?
The first step is that you need to acknowledge the fact that you have a problem and honestly want to get back to your normal happy self.
Second step is to take full responsibility for your health.
Third step is to find someone to help you identify the cause, as this is not easy as it might be something that happened to you as a child and over the years has compounded and a trigger has set it off now, or it could be because of a recent event that has occurred in your life.
The fourth step is the simplest of all to achieve. It gives you the ability to overcome your depression, anxiety and panic attacks by attending the Depression and Anxiety workshop and once your life is where you want it, it is recommended that you attend a follow-up workshop on how to be Successful and Live a Fulfilling Life. By attending either of these workshops, you are guaranteed assistance 24/7. I am always here for you via phone, cell or email. You never have to feel alone.
These courses are available countrywide.
Go to www.patthehealthcoach.com or www.patbosman.com for more information.
Authors Bio
Pat was diagnosed with Depression in 1978, and later as a Bi-polar (manic Depressant) as a result of this she went onto all kinds of drugs. This went on for 17 years, she then had a major nervous breakdown, and was treated by a Psychologist who helped her come off the drugs and has been drug free since 1995. You can read her story on www.patbosman.com . Pat now lives a very fulfilling life.
Twelve years ago Pat left her full time employment as a PA to a financial director in the corporate world. Pat is a registered Therapeutic Reflexologist who has been in full time practice since 1995. She also ran the West Rand Depression and Anxiety support Group. This is the reason why Pat developed this workshop. She has been on ITV Television and been Interviewed by 702 and SAFM. She has written articles for the Citizen and Caxton newspapers, as well as www.health.24.com , www.woman.24.com and www.selfgrowth.com on the Internet. Pat was Chairperson for the North/West Branch of the South African Reflexology Society for five years. Pat also served for three years on the Executive Committee. She has a very real passion for assisting people to achieve a healthy and fulfilling life through her own experiences and challenges in life She now embraces all her achievements and successes. Besides this workshop on Overcoming Depression and Anxiety, she also runs a workshop on Be Successful and Live a Fulfilling Life, which helps you to find your Purpose in every area of your life. These workshops are run countrywide for individuals or for companies who have their employees’ wellbeing at heart.
Pat also attends seminars overseas and in this way keeps up to date with what is going on around the world.
What Reflexology can do
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a holistic therapy based on the principal that every organ in the body is reflected in the feet, hands and ears. All the nerve endings are in the feet and by using various pressure techniques on these reflexes, the natural healing potential of the body are promoted. There are different techniques used such as Meridian, Vacuflex and the Universal method. Although they are different, the end result is the same.
The Benefits of Reflexology
For each person the application and the effect on the physical or emotional level are unique. The correct stimulation of the reflexes will relieve congestion, improve blood supply and lower stress levels. Deep relaxation assists the nervous system to function normally, thereby affecting all the body functions. Abnormal tension causes tightening of the muscles, thus the nerves are affected resulting in pain. Toxins and impurities are also removed more effectively.
Reflexology and Stress
Stress statistics are alarming. Up to 80% of modern diseases have a stress related background. For example, blood pressure problems, heart problems, migraines, depression and anxiety. We do not always have a choice as to what happens to us, but we make the choice as to how to react to it. The body responds with a burst of adrenalin into the blood stream when faced with traumatic situations. Modern man does not utilize the adrenalin as a response to a threatening or dangerous situation, and it gets stored in the tissues. If the stress situation continues unabated, the body weakens and becomes more susceptible to a variety of diseases. The endless list of modern stressors affects everyone no matter what the age is.
Reflexology, Depression Anxiety and Panic AttacksReflexology is an amazing therapy when dealing with Depression, Anxiety and Panic attacks. Because of the relaxation, it helps the patient to unwind and release all the tension that is caused by the Depression. They very often cry which is very good or they start talking about how they are feeling. Very often, you find out what started the problem in the first place. Then by understanding where they are coming from as a therapist you are able to help them, just by letting them talk. In the mean time, you are teaching them to relax by helping them breathe properly. As a result of treatment, they are able to take more responsibility for their health. I also introduce them to the workshop. The result is that they more often than not are able to come off the drugs very slowly.
The Origin of Reflexology
The system of working on the feet is an ancient form of therapy, appearing in diverse cultures across the globe and through history. Earliest traces of Reflexology have been found around 5000 years ago in India, China, Japan and Egypt. Forms of “Pressure Point Therapy” or “Zone Therapy” were well known in the Middle Ages in Europe.
Present day Reflexology has its roots in medical and neurological studies carried out in the 1890’s in the UK and Germany. An American ear, nose and throat specialist, Dr William Fitzgerald documented the analgesic and anaesthetizing effects of working on points on the feet, which became known as Zone Therapy. Eunice Ingham made great developments into Reflexology and was known as the Mother of modern Reflexology, as we know it today. New developments are a daily occurrence. Such as Vertical Reflexology Therapy and Wand Reflexology Therapy which are used in conjunction with normal Reflexology.
Therapeutic Reflexology is a registered profession with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa.
Pat Bosman
Therapeutic Reflexologist and Lifestyle Entrepreneur
44 Okkerneut Street
Weltevreden Park
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 679 2052
Mobile +27 82 318 7288
email pat.b@mweb.co.za