Born by the Mediterranean Sea, Núria Roig lives and breathes the more relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle. In her web site she passes on her practical knowledge about the authentic Mediterranean diet and Catalan cuisine. Her step-by-step recipes are for anyone who likes to eat healthy without sacrificing the joy of cooking and the pleasures of the table.
She learned to choose the best, and most affordable, Mediterranean foods thanks to her mother that sent her often to the Barcelona neighborhood farmer's market since she was nine.
Her grandmother showed her every day what it meant to cook with love delicious traditional dishes for ten. She taught her the first steps in the kitchen and to cherish all foods.
Apart from cooking every day, Núria has researched her own Catalan cuisine tradition and other Mediterranean cuisines. She has a down-to-earth view of what is now known as the Mediterranean diet and shares it all with you in her web site.