Scott M Peck once said that “Life is difficult” and for many people, this is sadly the case. Many people are “stuck in a rut” dealing with issues from the past or have negative thought patterns that leave them miserable, unable to enjoy life and relationships and seeing no real perspective for the future.
My passion as a psychologist is to help individuals and couples get their life back, freeing them of the restraints of negative thinking, anxiety and depression. By using integrative psychological approaches, I put my clients back in charge of their own destiny.
On the corporate side, I work frequently with managers, preparing them practically and psychologically for such events as presentations, negotiations and conflict with employees. An important part of my work in companies is to help busy people to relieve stress and to help with changes in lifestyle. I offer therapy and coaching face to face, on the telephone and via the Web. Please contact me directly for further details.
Every human has four endowments- self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change. Dr. Stephen Covey
Therapy for Leaders
Dr. Nicholas Jenner Psy.D, M.A.
Aubachstr. 23
65329 Hohenstein
0049 (0)162 943 4878