I was all set for success in the ad business.
I'd learned all the tricks of the trade with some of the world's hottest ad agencies, read all the self improvement books like 'Think & Grow Rich', then came the shock of my life.
Bankruptcy (me and my freelance copywriting business). I thought I knew everything but, in reality, put nothing into practice. PLUS I had ignored all the signs of sailing along in a world I wasn't enjoying. I was in the wrong business, my second big mistake.
After that massive wake-up call I lived in a friend's beaten-up old caravan parked by the roadside outside their home in the Aussie bush for 5 years, literally homeless, penniless, jobless and friendless, the pennies dropped. At last I understood that it's not enough to read all the self help books you can get your hands on. Unless we actually DO something it is of no use to us. And if we are on the wrong tram, sailing off in the wrong direction, one that is alien to our life purpose, then we are lost.
Life success is about doing, not thinking about doing. And secondly, it is about following our dreams, our life purpose, doing what we love and what we are here for. It's a message I want to convey to the world because it's the foundation of success in life. And, indeed, true happiness.
Today I'm living close to my 2 grown daughters and 2 adorable granddaughters in a small tourist fishing village 100km from Melbourne, writing, blogging, painting and enjoying the stress-free life I always dreamed about close to my family. For me this is success but I needed to learn - the hard way - how to get it and appreciate it.
To read the story of my life during and after bankruptcy visit my website HERE.
Read more about me on my book website here where you will find links to self improvement blogs and more.