I have been teaching and playing tennis for 20 years and I am enjoying this journey every day. I have built my tennis expertise worlwide because of my traveling and ability to speak other languages. I feel that such experience has served me so well into coaching and motivating others to engage in this wonderful sport.
I believe tennis is a self-empowering sport and with my "teaching technique" and "life philosophy" I have been able to help many people to have a better attitude in life and become a better person.
I inspire my players to do more than they think they can. I build up their self-esteem.
My teaching goes far beyond the skills, technique and strategy of tennis. I help my students with important life lessons such as rebounding from failures and setbacks, dealing with winning and losing, good sportsmanship, fair play, honesty and integrity.
Most importantly I help my players to use more "imagination" to enable them to perceive their life experiences on and off the tennis court as necessary to grow and excel in their life challenges.
My mission is to help people to modify their lifestyle and make their life a joyful and prosperous journey with the teaching of the successful "Conscious Body Coach Method" created by Dr Karen Wolfe and Dr Deb Kern.
Try for yourself and wonderfully discover how to "Create The Body Your Soul Desire"
Get Off the Sugar Roller Coaster with the 5 Day Sugar Cleanse
if you like what you hear then please contact me and I'll send you more information.
There is no time to lose but so much time to win, so begin right now to make it a winning life!
Words don't teach, it's life experience that brings knowing.
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.
I love every minute of every day and I expand my heart to include everyone.
There is no beginning or end. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
Change your thoughts - change your life!
Examining the way we tell stories about ourselves and realize that "Your story is your life."
So if you continually tell stories about your failures and victimhood guess what your life will be full of? More failures and more victimhood!
Instead, start imagine and tell stories about how you want your life to be and notice what happens to your life experiences. It takes practice and more practice because you need to train your mind to process other consistent thoughts and that's why I am here writing about it because my mission is help as many people as I can to transform their personal and business lives.