Author of the Annie Books Series: Experience Asperger's Syndrome and Attention Deficits Through the Eyes of a Child, Michelle is a school psychologist and medical technologist, who volunteers as a parent advocate, and provides professional development to parents and educators, regarding Individuals with Disabilites Education Act (IDEA), Improving Learning for Children with Disabilities (ILCD), Hidden Disabilities, Asperger's Syndrome, and Response to Intervention (RTI). She is a proud veteran of the Air Force and previous school board member. Michelle and her children have Asperger's Syndrome, Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder, and learning disabilities. She is a doctoral candidate in Education Leadership at NorthCentral University.
Michelle Fattig, author of the Annie Books Series, presenting at the Northwest Parenting and Family Education Conference WSU Vancouver, WA 2008
Rx for Family Health
This conference provides 3 days of professional development for parenting and family educators, child care providers, and other family serving professionals, where nationally recognized researchers and practitioners share cutting-edge information and techniques. Friday, March 14 (9:45-11:45 am)
Michelle Fattig-Smith, Ed.S., doctoral candidate in Educational Leadership, is a school psychologist, certified medical technologist, parent advocate, and author of the Annie Books Series: Experience Asperger's Syndrome and Attention Deficits Through the Eyes of a Child. The Annie Books are a must read for any parent, teacher, or student with the challenges of Asperger’s Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorders. Annie Books are fun to read, provide useful information, allow for empathetic understanding, for those of you, who don't get to understand it from the inside, and those of us, who don't know, that those of you, don't understand it from the inside! We think that everyone feels this way, so we wonder what is wrong with us, and why can't we just be normal...
Illustrator: Featured on Global Talk Radio, Josh Fattig is a senior in high school with Asperger’s Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Contrary to a local "professional's" opinion, the diagnosis of Asperger's does not require that a child "lick strangers faces." You can not discipline away a disability! We are not lazy, we do apply ourselves, our parents do not need to just provide more structure, it is not a choice, and we are the cool team.
Annie Books Series©: Experience Asperger’s Syndrome and Attention Deficits Through the Eyes of a Child
Written by Michelle Fattig
Pictures by Josh Fattig Michelle and Josh have Asperger's Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder. They use their unique insight and experience to fight crime, battle evil, and promote world peace.
Annie Books are fun to read, provide useful information, allow for empathetic understanding, for those of you, who don't get to understand it from the inside, and those of us, who don't know, that those of you, don't understand it from the inside! We think that everyone feels this way, so we wonder what is wrong with us, and why can't we just be normal...