Michael C. Longo, an inventor, writer, researcher into base level psychology of enlightenment, aviator/builder, auto mechanic, day trader.
Born in Columbus Ohio in 1952 now resides in Hemet California.
After discharge from the Army, Longo spent 2 years in deep meditation. His peak point happened when he became a ball of light. Being in total touch with his energy he then sent out to find a way to teach the same to others so the result would one day be accepted by science. His first book is the result, Shining Like the Sun.
Longo has received one patent to date on a chair that produces feeling of floatation and seeks another that multiplies the lifting ability of and airplane wing and improves the efficiency of wind turbine propeller blades. Founded the 3 H Company designed to help create paradise on earth by advancing products services and events that give this experience now.
Longo loves to fly planes and study how something moves through a medium such as air and water.
Longo’s life long dream is for all people to be able to consider both side of an issue as it relates to all people before passing judgment on anything. Life exists within the union of opposites.