Michael Tibus has been working in the medical field as an EMT for the last 16 years and has been a consultant for the health and wellness firm, Immunotec, since October 2008. His goal as a health and wellness consultant is to educate you regarding ways to ensure that your immune system is working at an optimum level so that you maintain excellent health. As an EMT, he enjoys studying the human body and has found how it can repair itself in an amazing way when given the proper nutrients. His goal as an EMT is to provide proper and prompt medical care prior to his patients.
Being healthy, similar to being wealthy, is not inherited it requires work and effort.
The easiest way to learn about me and what I do is by reading my Blog; I post there often. Or by following me here at Selfgrowth.com. If you would like to work with me as a Health and Wellness Consultant I would be more than happy to work with you. It is a great home business that let's you be your own boss and you won't have to answer to somebody else. For more information please go to my Business Opportunity Page.