Mike Schopp is a Psychic Medium with 20+ years of working via telephone & Skype and offers a “Money-back Guarantee” on all psychic readings. He connects directly with clients' spirit guides. His inborn gifts are clairvoyance, clairaudience, & clairsentience which he uses uses to share messages from the Spirit-World. Educated at the Arthur Findlay College for Mediums in England and the California School of Psychology, he blends channeling & humor with his professional experiences in counseling, career assessment, and organizational development to jump-start others to identify & achieve their soul's dreams. He has been a “guest psychic” performing psychic readings on radio and published quality “how-to” spiritual development articles in various media. He has provided entertaining psychic & mediumship development courses & presentations in China, Thailand, England & USA and regularly provides spiritual development courses locally in Las Vegas.
Customized Entertaining Spiritual Training/Speaking Events for Your Group in Your City:
Spiritual Development Courses
Intuition, Psychic, & Mediumship Development Courses
Custom training courses / speaking engagements for your group
Corporate Events and Social Events Psychic & Speaker
Key experiences attendees seek in a training/speaking event are:
a passionate and humorous speaker / trainer
refreshing quality content
a "how-to" learning experience that gets an audience to think, practice, and learn
Past Successful Event Locations:
Las Vegas, Ganesha Center 11 custom tailored courses taught which received excellent reviews
Los Angeles Hilton Hotel Conscious Life Expo www.consciouslifeexpo.com
Koh Samui, Thailand Kamalaya Resort www.kamalaya.com, Top 10 Spa Resort in the world
Las Vegas Las Vegas Psychic Awareness & Starseed Awakening Group
Essex, England Arthur Findlay College for Mediums
Beijing, China Beijing Psychic Awareness Group
Past Courses successfully designed and taught:
Below courses are each 1.5 hours - 2 hours:
Freeing Your Soul's Spirit in a Conformist World
Hearing Your Soul's Messages – Quick Meditation Techniques for a Busy Mind
Meet Your Spirit Guides
Your Soul's Purpose - Uncovering Past Lives & Integrating Their Best Aspects into Today
The Importance, Practice, & POWER of “Healthy” Ritual in Human History / Law of Attraction
Clearings – Energies, People, & Places
Forgiveness – Spiritual Clearing of Struggles with Being Wronged
Understanding Practical Manifestation
Attracting Soul Mates
Spiritual Mistakes of the Spiritual Person
Below course is 2.5 - 3 hours:
Develop Your Intuition
Course Reviews
All courses receive very very positive reviews
Contact Mike for a customized training program/speaking package. Reasonable rates