Melanie has been called a miracle worker. She has the ability to take negative situations and create lasting positive results. A therapist for 17 years and now a business development coach, she has successfully worked with individuals to transform their lives, their situations, and most importantly, their outcomes. When people are looking for an opportunity to create a 180 degree turn in their finances, beliefs, business and lives they seek Melanie’s acute wisdom and compassionate touch. Melanie created a full therapy practice with up to 30 clients a week in a short period of time with little advertising and no budget. After years of this schedule she took the leap many helping professionals fear and re-launched her practice free from the limitations of insurance. She was able to revitalize her clients, herself and her income with a private pay practice. When personal financial demands increased beyond what her professional practice could provide, Melanie spent more than one sleepless night contemplating how she could raise her income and have the abundance she knew was possible without working so many hours trading time for money. Having firsthand knowledge of the struggle so many small business owners face while charting out a course for prosperity, she knew she could help. First she dedicated herself to creating models, systems and mindsets that opened up doors of “more” for herself and began to live that everyday. Now, everyday is an abundance day in her practice and in her life! She uses those same strategies to coach hundreds of other to prosperity in all aspects of finance, practice building and life. Melanie is a mix of practicality, mindset, spirit, and marketing. If you have ever wanted to get out from under the limitations of your business and start living your passion and loving what you do, her coaching is a must!
To learn more about me, go to
You can contact me at or by phone 540-907-4146