Maya Silverman is the authour of the Erotic Massage Guide: Unleash the Power of Touch The guide explores the world of erotic and tantric massage for personal, physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual bliss and enjoyment.
With a keen interest in relationships, sexual pleasure and fulfillment, intimacy, as well as alternative therapies such as yoga, massage, and Tantra, Maya has a vast knowledge spanning 10 years. Maya maintains a particular focus on the factors conducive to maximum sensual, physical and emotional expression, sexual pleasure and satisfaction.
Tantra - through Tantric, Sensual and Erotic Massage has many great benefits : some of which include deep body relaxation, stress reduction, toned muscles, increased energy, better circulation, a more relaxed and youthfull appearance, increased sensual sensitivity, better communication with your lover, deeper intimacy, a more positive body image (self esteem) , increased charisma and sexual attractiveness, stronger more intense orgasms, increased multi-orgasmic potential, and not to mention : Lots and Lots of pleasure!
The concepts, techniques and ideas are of course not just for couples, anyone looking to gain more clarity, relaxation, serenity, energy, charisma, sensual and erotic pleasure is welcome to join in on the fun and exploration!
Maya Silverman lives in London with her family.
To Your Sensual Pleasures!
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
Tantra & Tantric Sexuality: Enhance Your Sensual and Emotional Pleasures!
For well over 1000 years, people all over the planet how utilized the powerful techniques of Tantric sexuality to enhance their sensual pleasures and emotional satisfaction. They not only develop the skills necessary to have mind-blowing, long-lasting orgasms time and again, but they also open their minds and find that they are able to enjoy every aspect of their lives more fully. You see, Tantra is about more than just incredible sex and sensuality; it has a lot to do with enjoying all of the pleasures of life in whatever forms they may materialize. Tantra is a meditative system developed in India before 500 AD to bring about holistic peace and health in the lives of its practitioners. Sex is but one vehicle to explore the limitless boundaries of the Tantric philosophy.
When you practice the Tantric way, you learn the secrets that enable you to connect your body with your mind and heart. The goal is to always live from your heart - every second of everyday. The techniques instill in you a mindset of tranquility and calm. You discover that life is meant to be enjoyed - not only when you're having sex, but always, no matter what you're doing. You search for the pleasure in all things. You realize the interconnectivity of the universe. You come to understand your place as an integral component of it. Tantric massage teaches practitioners to take their time making love and control their bodily responses to sexual stimulation. Those who engage in sensual Tantric and Erotic massage develop a focused ability to prolong pleasure, both for themselves and for their partners.
Start now on your journey to great Erotic and Tantric Massage and experience greater pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, energy, vitality and serenity today!
Tantric sexuality - what is it and how do you get some?! Tantra refers to the concept of expansion - mind, body and spirit. Awaken your senses and sensuality, take your pleasure to a new high, and experience profound serenity, intimacy and bliss all through the power of touch. Click here now to learn how Erotic and Tantric Massage can open up an entire new world for you and your relationship.
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